Friday, June 28, 2013

5 minute 5 {Exhausted}

You know the drill by now people; this is my five minute five random thoughts. Here is some of what happens to be on my mind right now (no judgment).

1. Aaron Hernandez you are an idiot and apparently a gangsta thug killer.  Points that come to mind include be smarter, why waste your talent and ruin your money, and thank God you went to FL.  I’m not surprised but in part I really am surprised. Epic Fail!!!!!!
2. I can’t watch the Trayvon Martin news coverage. I just can’t.
3. Nobody cares about Paula Deen losing sponsors except the people that don’t know any better. This apology tour she is going on is a bit of a train wreck I’m just tired of hearing about it. Furthermore, I hope it opens up some real dialogue about the institutional nature of racism and the very real challenges that exist because of ignorant mindsets…but this is America so I know that will not be the case. *Le Sigh*
4. Power Naps should be allowed at work. In fact they should be mandated. I am so tired right now I could probably fall asleep standing up. With all the painting, moving, arguing, cleaning, shopping, lunching and crafting I have been doing this week I’m a bit tired.
5. Water damage in my apartment again!!!!! 2 floors above me a couple move out, took their washing machine but left the water on…what happens next involves water dripping from my ceiling, me visiting the leasing office 2 times, making countless phone calls and having contractors assess damage.  I’m OVER YOU LENOX HILLS!!!!

Oh and this was on my mind also…

Friday, June 21, 2013

5 Minute 5 (Fun Friday)

I’m almost ready to kick off my weekend and thought it would be a great idea to share my 5 minute 5. My randomness knows no bounds!

  1. Verizon, NO NO – I am still reeling from my disgruntled morning interactions with Verizon’s  buckhead store. This is the third time in 3 weeks I have had to call them about something they messed up with my recent phone purchase.  First they didn’t give me my rebate instructions, then they changed my bill plan in such a way that it put me over my minutes and charged me extra money, today it was my rebate denial because they didn’t provide me with the correct receipt.  I despise you  right now and as a loyal customer for over 10 years today was the first day I actually reconsidered that decision.  And NO I don’t want to buy a tablet from you!!!!!!
  2. Hungry like the Wolf – a last minute meeting prevented me from making it to the cafeteria before they closed so I haven’t had lunch. A hungry LC is not a happy LC (in case anybody was wondering). I could eat a hamburger right now which is big since I sort of gave up beef.  Duran Duran, why is the wolf hungry? Shouldn’t he eat? Did he miss lunch because the pack needed additional information about something they already knew the answer too?
  3. World War Z – I plan to see that. That is really all I have to say about it.
  4. Operation Get Shit Done – projects really do make me happy but in light of the fact that the working world only gives me 3 day weekends on special holidays my time will be stretched thin this weekend. Painting, building, crafting, moving, movie watching (see #3) and visiting all crammed into 2 days. I’m going to need a weekend to recover from my weekend.  Whew !!!!
  5. Social Twerking – yes I have seen the Stevie TV clip and yes I think it is hilarious. I have also been reminding those closest to me that I can quit my twerking at any time.  I only do it socially!!!!!!! MUAHHAHAHAHA J

Happy Friday!
Happy First Day of Summer!
Happy 5 Minute 5!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Eventful Bliss: Father's Day Love

Eventful Bliss: Father's Day Love: Happy Father’s Day to all of the dad’s celebrating today.  It would not be a true father’s day if I didn’t say thank you to the man...

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

GEICO you are hilarious

I have been laughing my butt off at the more recent +GEICO Insurance commercials. Whoever is in charge of the “Happier Than” ad/marketing account this season has hit my funny bone. Kudos to you, kudos to you!  Why am I writing about this you may ask…well because it’s funny to me.  The radio (thank you +The Bert Show you introduced me to the Hump day spot on my way into work this morning. 

Here are some of my favorites…Happy Hump Day folks!

Hump Day

Night Vision
Witches and Brooms

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Open Letters {post vacation rambling}

My vacation has ended but I have a few things to get off my chest. I wrote a few open letters to the things on my mind and heart this morning…

Dear Punta Cana,
I am back stateside and into day 2 of being back at work. I miss you Dominican Republic (not the lack of wifi but the beach).  Can I go back on vacation? Is it possible for me to climb into someone’s suitcase with an oxygen mask and a pillow?  Reality is not nearly as much fun as the dancing, drinking, and relaxing that occurred this past weekend. - LC


Dear 8 pounds I gained from vacation overeating,
I hate you! I want you to go away without me having to work out or eat right! Can’t you just evaporate into the abyss and leave me alone. The extra giggle and wiggle is unnecessary and cruel if you ask me! F -You!!! This heartburn you brought can kick rocks too! - LC


Dear Samsung Galaxy S4,
You are the best phone I have ever had. I love you more than life itself and I want to commit to living together (at least for the next 2 years). If you take care of me, I will take care of you. Case, screen protectors, blackberry sacrifices; whatever you want I agree to do.  Team work makes the dream work baby and together we will change the world. - LC


Dear Kitchen Sink,
Yes I mean you my actual kitchen sink. Now is not the time to spring a leak. I need you to stop pouring water in the cabinet underneath you! That doesn’t work for me or the wood at all.  It’s messy and inconvenient plus I really want to wash my dishes from last night’s dinner. I hope the maintenance man sets you straight and that you really think about what you have done so we don’t have a repeat of this incident. Learn from the bathtub (get right or get gutted)! -LC

Vacation LC

best phone EVER!!!!