Friday, May 3, 2013

5 minute 5 {Foggy Friday)

As I eat my morning breakfast (oatmeal) here are just 5 of the things running through my mind this morning:
  • Why is the weather so drab today?  The rain and clouds are really putting a damper on my morning. It is really difficult to get out of bed and come to work when the weather is telling me it’s ok to sleep. Plus it is supposed to rain alllllll weekend. Damn you Mother Nature, you cruel wench.
  • I need a laptop or a stylus pen for my ipad (one or the other). Those things would make my day better.
  • This summer I really need to travel and visit the people I love! Ladies I am making summer rounds! I need to plan an annual girl’s trip (with wine, lots of wine).
  • Joannne Chesimard added to the FBIs most wanted list … 40 years after the fact. She is the first woman and she is black -- no coincidence. Since when did killing one person or escaping prison make you a “terrorist”? I am sad for the victim and for Chesimard but want to point out that the 70s was a different time and I feel like in an age where real terrorist are committing crimes of mass destruction federal and local resources could be better spent. Good luck getting Cuba to extradite her if you find her…pick your battles better law enforcement. I’m just saying…
  • Chris Kelly died a few days ago and it is so sad that it may be drug related. So many people are lost and it makes me sad.
I hope everyone has a good Friday!

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