Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Viva vacaciones!

The only thing on my mind on this “the busiest day for no reason” is my upcoming vacation.  I am going to the Dominican Republic in t-minus 23 days! I’m ready to dip my toes in the ocean, play in the sand, and party it up with friends.  I plan to leave my crappy blackberry in the hotel, grab my bikini and do absolutely nothing for 4 days.

It cannot come fast enough people!  I have so much to do in preparation for this trip and the events upcoming this month. All the crazy likes to happen when you are gearing up to relax. But the joke is on you month of MAY, my joy will not be impeded.  I will not fall victim to the crazy, I will get it all done and I will not care about it [sometimes you have to tell the month whose boss].

I’m getting in shape slowly but surely. I still have 2.5 more weeks to get my life and my abs together. I'm not exactly stocked up on necessary supplies and resources for international travel but my passport is ready and that is the most important thing.

What I don’t appreciate is you Mother Nature and all this rain and cold weather. I still have to shop for warm climates and this cold is making it difficult to imagine; plus it is just really annoying.

Vacation is a gift from the heavens that I am ready to accept and appreciate. Viva la vacaciones.
Who doesn't love balloons and ocean air?!
© Sundikova | Dreamstime Stock Photos & Stock Free Images

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