Tuesday, May 21, 2013

5 minute 5 {Holiday Approaches}

It just hit me that this is a long weekend  (civil servitude means holidays off)! The excitement level associated with the realization of this fact is very high.  I decided to share five things I am going to do over the course of the weekend.
  1. Dinner party - dining with some of my favorites (some folks are actually celebrating birthdays and graduations (i.e. Nita, Kels, Megs)!
  2. Shopping – yeah so I leave for vacation in 9 days and all I really have at this point is one bathing suit that kinda fits and a ton of sun dresses. I am not ready for tropical weather and I don’t have a book picked out for the plane. Gap we have a date on Memorial Day, try to have a sale!
  3. Packing – did you read the part where I said vacation in 9 days?!
  4. Sweating – summer is creeping in with a vengeance. IT is supposed to be in the 80s this holiday weekend every fan I own will be on overdrive. My AC isn’t allowed on until late June (I’m a frugal weirdo like that).
  5. Grillin and Chillin – it is Memorial Day so I need to get my cook and relaxation on. There will be grillin, there will be chillin, there won’t be Bobby Flay (which makes me sad).
Photo Credit: © Patrimonio | Dreamstime Stock Photos & Stock Free Images

*what I wont be doing is riding a bike while carrying a flag!
Happy Tuesday (aka 3 more days until this weekend can begin day )!!!!

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