Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Snake in the weeds

I am feeling some kind of way this morning about snakes in the weeds. We all know a few people that seem to work extra hard to make your life difficult or strive to knock your blessings.  Some people are selfish, unhappy, and envious of others (such is life).  I really dislike people that pretend to be on your team but are really lying in wait to throw you under the first bus they can.  

Reveal yourselves back stabbers; hell, wear a sign or something. I have been having a lot of conversations with people I trust and love recently about the authentic self. I strive to be me to everyone but I noticed that snakes aren’t honest with themselves or their “friends”.   You have to be real about your situation, your roles and responsibilities, and your outcomes. I don’t ask to know your business (you choose to share) and your inconsistency with storytelling lets me know a lot about the nature of your character.  I don’t care what you decide to do because the decisions you make are your own.  Stop lying to yourself and own your actions. Nothing good comes from being conniving and your tomfoolery is just that.    

Be careful who you associate with friends, my great aunt reminded me that snakes do what comes natural to them. God told us they were serpents and to beware because if given the chance, they will bite. At some point they will come across a Hawk or some other snake eating predator and will learn the error of their ways.  

So for the snakes out there please know this…
  • You don’t know me like you think you do. Don’t assume shit.
  • I’m at a point in my life where I can’t afford to lie to myself or others. 
  • I try to say what I mean and mean what I say (i.e. I don’t want to be bothered with you really means I don’t want to be bothered with you).
  • Stupidity is a self-inflicted condition and knowledge is the cure.
  • Forgiveness isn’t my strong suit so don’t push the envelope.  
  • I am non-discriminatory when it comes to my avoidance of people (I don’t talk to everyone equally), if you don’t like or that fact then leave me alone (no love lost, I promise).
  • I may need to use more tact in life but all in all I’m letting you know what you are getting (my sarcasm comes from a place of love; my harsh tone isn’t personal it’s me being direct).
  • Karma is a cruel and spiteful b*tch
  • Kindness is not weakness; it is saving your life. I’m not a killer but don’t push me! 

I hate snakes (you can't take my place you back stabbers)!

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