Monday, April 29, 2013

Fully Recovered Monday

My weekend was fabulous and chaotic all at the same time!  I saw some of my family from Mississippi on Friday and hung with my Grandma! Baby shower, bike races, and catching up with old friends kept me out until 1am on Saturday.  I forgot how early 1:00am used to be (my college days are definitely over).  The rain held out until I was on the highway and for that I’m thankful. Sunday was a bit of a wash because I had a migraine which kept me out of commission for an estimated 14 hours (so I was told).

This morning I’m feeling renewed, most likely because of the medication! I actually brought my gym clothes to work because I WILL work out this afternoon. I’m detoxing from this weekend (I had beef and alcohol – bad decisions I know), I have some blog posts lined up, a dinner party in the works, Cinco de Mayo plans are firm, I got to work early (let that statement marinate), and I might actually do some laundry and clean out my closet later.

That was a lofty list (I’m still riding the breakfast energy high)! All in all, I am feeling pretty great (minus the fact that my stomach is trying to kill me from the inside)!  It will not rain on my parade (figuratively – it is actually raining here in Atlanta)! I will not be discouraged! It will not be a bad day!

ME: Monday you have been conquered…how does it feel?

MONDAY: Warm and tingly (I think).

Have a great day folks!!! OH and Follow my blog with Bloglovin

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