Friday, April 19, 2013

Worst Week Ever (2013 Edition)

I have been rather quiet this week on the blog front because I have been sick as a dog since last Friday. My body decided it wanted to make friends with illness and they have been shacking up ever since.  A lot has happened in the course of a week (including the fact that I am still sick).   I just wanted to take a moment to reflect on the worst week ever of 2013!

Boston - The Boston Bombing and the subsequent loss of life since it occurred are tragic and sad.  It is unfortunate that people feel the need to make statements by taking lives. Bombing a major event then going on a bomb throwing, shoot out, killing spree is cowardly and uncalled for!  What else is uncalled for is the level of extreme news coverage this is getting. The news was showing body parts and bloody victims on TV; shame on you news media for making this a spectator sport.  I am praying for the victims and the perpetrators (mainly because this manhunt is going to end in your death – Bostonians don’t play that – they shut down the city to look for you)

Texas – the fertilizer plant that exploded in flames on Wednesday is another tragedy and my hearts go out to the families of the victims.  It is just sad when things like this happen, especially in small towns. Our thoughts and prayers are with you Texas.

Ricin – Dear people of Mississippi get your crazies under control (as a lady born in Biloxi, MS I can say that). Why is it that after major tragedies (like Boston) people feel necessary to stir the pot?  Just stop! Furthermore why do crazy people get the full name reference, is this the public’s way of doing what every black mom in America does when their kid is making trouble…”Paul Kevin Curtis, if you send ricin to people you are going to federal jail – don’t make me pull off my belt”.
For information about this chemical agent visit

Flood waters - Record-setting rains in the Midwest are giving Mother Nature the award for “Most Likely to Ruin Travel Plans”. Who knows what she will do but I hear they are evacuating folks and suspended travel. Illinois is getting hit hard, so to my friends up that way be safe.

Gun laws – the debate rages on…no comment.

Illness – I am still sick! Doctors just put me on ear drops, cough medicine and antibiotics. This walking petri dish pushes forward.   I am never to sick to remember - RIP Grandpa (Love you and miss you always).

Have a great weekend friends…the worst week ever is hopefully coming to an end.

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