Thursday, April 4, 2013

10 minute 10 {Break Thoughts}

Getting up this morning was difficult; the rain makes you want to curl up in the bed and eat snack foods while you watch Netflix.  But I have started my day and after about 1 hour in the full swing of work, I took a break.  I had a ton of ideas bouncing around (as always) so in true random style here are 10 thoughts I’m currently having:
  1. I have no idea what my website looks like. Working on a new business website and I have been soooo caught up in my blog that I haven’t checked in with my web developer. PAUSE   Text message has been sent.  In other news, my blog site is just the way I like it; slaving over hours of template changes, widgets, and gadget making, I finally got it there. Managing two blogs isn’t as bad as I thought it would be I just need to fight the urge to sleep. Soon Random Ramblings is getting a facelift, since I have mastered the art of html coding with eblogger I might as well!  Check out my progress at Cordier Event Planning Blog
  2. It is already April! I can’t believe how quickly time is passing! It will be my birthday before I know it! I have soooo much to do this month and next. I will try to refrain from taking on any more projects…I swear! Baby shower and dinner party are keeping my focus for now.
  3. I am literally counting down the days and hours until I can get a new cellphone (25 days 14 hours)!!!! I am pretty sure I am getting a Galaxy (about 98% sure) I’m just deciding if I want to wait for the new Galaxy S4. It may push back my wait time and I’m not sure I can handle any extra blackberry time right now.
  4. My friends stay sick and I don’t like it. Injuries, hospitalizations, and influenza (Oh my).  I need everybody to heal up, rest up, and get better I don’t like it when you guys are sick.
  5. I found a card-reader that works! Shout out to Best Buy for helping me fix what Target ruined.  Now that I have a working card reader my photos from my new Nikon camera will grace computer screens everywhere!!! This reminds me I need to send my family the pictures from this weekend. I’m going to make a photo album and it will be great!
  6. Just in case you were going to ask, no we haven’t set a wedding date yet. Get off my ovaries people; it will get here when it gets here. We might do like the 5 yr engagement (minus the breaking up, cheating, and living in the cold). Besides we have things to do and money to save, weddings cost money, not the monopoly kind. We are accepting donations for wedding expenses; feel free to email me for information on contributions.
  7. I have ventured back into the world of meat eating with minimal meat eating.  I haven’t jumped back in full throttle, other than eating that steak for breakfast on Easter morning (I just had steak no eggs).  Kinda disappointment in myself since I expected more from my stomach; but at this point I have decided to hold off reintroducing the hard stuff until after my vacation (only eating chicken on special occasions i.e. whenever I’m not cooking).
  8. I had a dream I was Emily Owens from the CW show (which I have never actually seen, only previews).  It was weird and I was crying during my shift because one of the other doctors was mean to me. Jackass!!!!
  9. What is the shelf life on hard boiled eggs? After you boil them, how long can the sit??? I ate one yesterday that may have been questionable but I just didn’t care.  PAUSE According to USDA’s Egg Storage Chart (factsheet) I can refrigerate hard boiled eggs for 1 week! So that egg was questionable, oh well, it tasted fine. 
  10. I got my hair done and it feels silky smooth. I touch it a lot more right after a visit to the salon. I don’t care if that makes me weird I like how soft it feels.
Well I guess my break is over!  Have a great day everyone!

Time is up...
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