Friday, April 26, 2013

5 minute 5 {Good News}

These are some random thoughts for the day and a quick recap of my week of greatness!!!!
  1. Congrats to Marlene and Keith of their recent engagement. I am so excited I could burst! Equally exciting was the fact that we celebrated with Jamaican food!
  2. More Good News -- Woke up to good news about a new job for my best friend. Congrats sweetie!!!! She is on the move and is coming to Florida. Not only is she closer but now I have a place to stay near the beach and a Florida resident to get me amusement park tickets! LC= 3, Life= 0
  3. Scandal!!!!! It does it to me every 2-3 weeks (we need to talk about this schedule for real). Huck got his swirl on (and has a son), Olivia is back on her Love-Hate-Sex grind with Fitz, Mellie is still a thorn in the side of all that is right and holy; and this secret killing machine dead poets society is up to no good! Scandal you are the only show I watch in real time (no DVR for you, your too important to me).
  4. I want to win something other than merit awards. I decided I really want to win a radio contest or the lottery. Something fun!! I was listening to a giveaway on my drive into work and decided it is time to try.  Show me the money!!!!
  5. Twilight is this weekend and I’m going to Athens, after this baby shower on Saturday! I’m infusing some fun and beer into my weekend. It better not rain on my parade and I need to charge my camera battery!
 Enjoy your Friday people (it is the only one you get this week)! 
© Tombaky | Dreamstime Stock Photos & Stock Free Images

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