Monday, April 22, 2013

Medicated Vampire Dreams

It never fails that when I am on medication of any kind outside the scope of my regularly prescribed migraine of GI meds I have they CRAZIEST dreams!  I really need to start a medicine dream journal. I mentioned last week that I've  been sick and the docs prescribed me ear drops for an infection and a coughing syrup “sleep aid” for my disgustingly bad non-smokers cough.

Aside from keeping me awake (as opposed to helping me sleep) the medication is giving me some crazy syfy dreams.  I am just going to give you a taste of the mini movie I endured last night. Yes I wrote it like a script and yes I know lichens are from Underworld (don’t judge me damnit)!

INT. Downtown Louisiana
 (LC Bad ass vampire)
Louisiana Urban Jungle overrun by Swamps (organic plant life) in the year 2055.  Scene opens on a young African American vampire looking out the window of an abandoned office building at a swarm of vampire zombies eating the flesh of a newly turned decoy.

LC V.O. (voice over)
Look at them…vultures preying on the weak. When did my people become cannibals? How can one virus undo an entire species this way? I have got to find Remy and Ash, but how will I get back to the safe zone without being detected (PAUSE)
I will have to travel during daylight hours. It is the only way.

As the sun rise peaks through the buildings the zombie vampires scatter like cockroaches. Our protagonist makes her move, cloaked in curtains and covered from head to spiked boot toes.

INT. Hospital Setting
(LC Bad ass vampire)
Open on dusk our protagonist has found a blood bank and is trying to stock up for travel. Humans have all been captured for breeding, said for a few pockets of rebel fighters. Raiding blood banks is the easiest way to avoid viral infection and the risk of a live feed calling the attention of zombie vamps. LC hides under some weeping willows on what used to be a back street that is now over run by river waters. A pack of 3 zombies is up ahead feeding on what appears to be humans (most likely a vampire kill gone wrong). The trio is in tattered clothes and carriers the virus mark (blotchy decaying hives covering their entire body). So occupied with the fresh meat they don’t even see HER turn down the alley.

(WHISPER) Tthey are starting to expand their hunting zones; I have to cover more ground during the day. I’m going to need a boat. (HEARING a branch break in the wooded area to her left)
Get to higher ground LC. (Scaling a tree with speed and ease like a cat; she hits the tree tops to get a better view)

(PANIC) Shit it’s Lichen

Lichens are animalistic breed of shape shifting vampire that hunts everything including the zombie vamps. They live in the wilderness and are the ultimate predators, vicious and merciless. I haven’t fed so I can’t take this one on and survive.
I have to hope it doesn’t see me. I should climb down and try to hide in the water, that’s my best bet.


Lying in wait under the surface of the water as the current sends leaves floating by; she turns her head and just as the lichen spots her. 


SHE Flies out of the water as the Lichen begins pursuit, Swinging through tree branches trying to out run the hunter.  After a  mile she sees an end to the tree line and realizes she has to double back. Switching directions the Lichen continues to stay on her trail. She sees the zombie vamps finishing their kill and decides to use them as decoys.

(CALLING out to the Zombie vamps) HEY!!! Hey… fresh meat over here.

They aLL turn and see her; the Lichen pauses to assess the situation.

(Speaking to the Lichen) You have plenty of options here; you don’t want to eat me. See fresh blood, fresh kill… go play with your food.

The Lichen moves toward the zombie vampires and attacks

Now or never! R-u-n east, put some distance between you and the lichen before it gets bored with the easy meal. Stay in the urban jungle out of the woods, until you know it’s safe.


This has been a LeShaundra Cordier dream sequence [Book coming soon] © LeShaundra Cordier 

Photo Credit© Chrisharvey | Dreamstime Stock Photos & Stock Free Images

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