Wednesday, April 10, 2013

5 minute 5 {Random Quickie}

These are some random thoughts for the day in no particular order with no particular logic:
  1.  Ratchet Monday has been reinstated and I am excited. It is a brief moment in time where I indulge in the guilty pleasure of terrible reality TV and reflect on how much better my life really is compared to the tomfoolery I see on TV. Thank you VH1 for the perspective, my wine is already in my hand!
  2. I am a fan of this new format of sharing a few of my prominent thoughts in brief.  Flash Gordon move over you are being replaced by a bad ass, super speedy, typing machine (aka a computer). I am fighting evil with random thoughts!
  3. If you want something done (not even just done right) sometimes you have to do it yourself!!!  Or so says my inner control freak.
  4. Does Smart Water make me smarter? I secretly (well publicly now) believe it does. I also don’t care what people say, it does have a taste and it is better than all the other waters I drink.  I heart you Smart Water and if people want to gift it to me just because I support that!
  5. How would our lives be different if Pinky and the Brain really did take over the world (it would probably ruin your day North Korea)? Genetically enhanced lab mice/ dictators probably don’t condone unapproved missile launches.  However, I suspect there would be a great deal of rioting in the streets and fighting over cheese rations; plus we would all be animated.  I really miss that show.

Have a great afternoon folks!  Special prayers to all the peeps recovering from health issues, injuries, and all things medically related. Get well soon and start your plot for World Domination!

A Pinky and the Brain Future!

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