Friday, April 5, 2013


Another Friday is here! I am excited about this weekend people!  Not just because I won’t be at work which is always a reason to celebrate…I’m excited because the current plan is to attend the NCAA Big Dance Concert Series. I’m sure it will be a great set of games (I know some Michigan and Syracuse fans, plus Louisville has the media interest story) but I’m looking forward to the musical chaos folks! Drinking beer, walking around Centennial Park, and doing what carefree people do.  You are welcome to join me (it is free)!  Check out the Atlanta Music Guide for a list of performers.

*And just for you +Ashley Norris  Go Big Blue!

Other than that, this weekend will involve hiking up Stone Mountain, sleeping, cleaning my kitchen, organizing and boxing up craft supplies, catching up on my DVR, house hunting, lounging around in cropped sweat pants, eating popcorn, and any additional spring cleaning that I can think of. Nothing earth shaking or mind blowing just easy, breezy and beautiful.

I also realized that spring break is next week for my local counties so it will be a quiet work week after a chill weekend.  SWEET!!!!  I just want to thank the breeders and school systems in advance for making it easier for me to park on the first floor of the deck on Monday! Enjoy your family time.

In more recent news, I just tried the GoGo Squeeze apple mango applesauce and I love it.  People with kids you should make them try it!  I’m serious, it is delicious “no spoon, no mess” kind of fun!

I hope you all have a great and funtastic weekend!

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