Friday, March 22, 2013

Friday Secrets

Friday is here!!! I have so much on my mind today and on my to do list for this weekend.  Today I will be all over the place and I just wanted to let you know. Let’s chit chat folks…

Scandal Returns – it was awesome and I loved it and I can’t wait until next week.  That damn Olivia Pope is just as busy as I am but clearly much better dressed. That is all I can say about that, Other than Quinn absolutely annoys me and Harrison is hands down the most devoted and I hope that never changes.

Upcoming Travel – the family and I are road tripping to New Orleans for Easter.  While I’m looking forward to visiting my peeps in the Big Easy, I’m a little more apprehensive about this car ride.  As of now the level of uncertainty with my passenger count is growing daily. I have one confirmed of 3 (good job dad).  My remaining hold-outs are being elusive and less than forthcoming with their plans.  The car is leaving at 6am come hell or high-water people. You have had weeks to take leave and make arrangements. Other than that my countdown to this mini vacation has started; 6 days until departure!!!!!  

Hamburgerler – I am ready for some Grade A quality meat. Lent is coming to an end in 7 days and I will be ready!!!!  Crab boil on Friday and Saturday in New Orleans followed by the consumption of random meat products. Hotdogs, Hamburgers, steaks, shakes and all that is holy in the world.  My stomach may hate me and I will likely put on the 10 pounds I have dropped but I don’t care.

New Toys – so I bought a new camera with part of my tax refund and I’m excited to be moving out of the “sale digital camera that fits in my purse” phase of my life to the “carry around my neck, use a tripod” sort of equipment. I don’t know how to use it but I’m learning. Photos coming soon.

Teenagers are a hot mess – much like the train wreck that is the real housewives of any city, this next generation of teens is just a hot mess.   Had some encounters and conversations recently that reminded me that the teen psyche is misguided, emotionally driven, and completely irresponsible. Their propensity for testing invincibility and inflated sense of self-importance reminds me why I am glad I can drink legally.  I’m glad to be out of that developmental stage and worry that elderly me will go ham in 40 years and beat one of them with a cane (maybe I will make an episode of Snapped 2.0).

Nosey People Irritate Me – mind your damn business. That is all!

Pistachios - I kind of love them like I love avocados. I don’t know how I went this long without knowing how wonderful they are.  You people can keep the ice cream version but other than that they are really fabulous. Get cracked (unless you have an allergy or actually enjoy crack)!!!

Hotmail switched to outlook – my Hotmail is account is strictly for passwords and junk mail but I logged in recently to clean it out and was surprised to find it had transitioned to outlook.  If I wanted outlook to migrate into my personal life I would have been using it already.  Damn you Hotmail for integrating elements of work into my other worlds.

Be fruitful and multiple with babies – Congrats to my favorite baby makers that welcomed their second bundle of joy this week.  I appreciate you securing a solid year of biological clock snooze time for those non-breeders (like myself).  People are so caught up with your baby and his cuteness that they will leave me alone! Aside from the direct benefits your baby is quite adorable and my offer to babysit is legitimate.  Despite having the neck of a 98 year old man his wrinkly little self is precious and I would be honored to take care of him if ever you need me too. His big brother is pretty cool too so he can stay as well.

Photo Credit: © Dvu | Dreamstime Stock Photos & Stock Free Images

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