Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Ode to Justin Timberlake

I’m up rather early this morning and after a serious of dreams centered on my promotional tour with Macklemore in Las Vegas I am up starting my day with some rather disturbing images forever burned into my subconscious mind.

I fell asleep listening to the glorious sounds of Justin Timberlake, so I blame his 20/20 Experience (specifically the slightly weird Let the Grove Get In) for my unusual dream scape.  That aside, JT is back!!!!! Thank you for gracing us with part one of your two part album.  I like the grown and love-loving music you have decided to make Justin and I welcome you back with open arms.  Today’s post is not a review but more of a dedicated fan expressing a love for an amazing artist. I don’t even care if you judge me! Judge starts with J and so does Justin Timberlake!!!

I still listen to Justified and FutureSex/LoveSounds, so I am happy to add the 20/20 Experience to my rotation. It may only be 10 songs but most songs are 7-8 minutes long which is unheard of these days. Buying this CD was a pleasant surprise, like buying Tide with the 40% extra bonus pack. JT we all knew you were a designer, a film maker, a rich internet buying guru and an SNL comedic legend but we were beginning to forget you were a musician and appreciate the reminder, which is what the 20/20 Experience is for all of your fans.

CNN ran several stories yesterday (I watch it while I work out because it is the responsible thing to do on the treadmill), about the album release.  First they asked Senator Marco Rubio if he was going to buy the album. Let me say after laughing out loud at the completely frivolous and inappropriate question, his response which was no did not surprise me. Rubio doesn’t strike me as JT fan plus he is Republican and has too much going (posturing for that government takeover) to listen to grown and sexy music. But it made me appreciate the impact of pop culture and CNNs attempts to tie into the next segment.  The following story was about artists like JT who have branded themselves far beyond the music that made them famous. Being a celebrity is like filling out college applications, you need to be well rounded and resonate with the audience.  That means endorsements, clothing lines, perfumes, tv shows, and of course music. Disney has been doing this for years, creating the six-sided polygon (aka hexagon) threats we see today. Celebrities are making money off their entire being not just their talent and I’m not mad at them. Brand on kids, brand on.

Regardless of what the world thinks or even what CNN says I should think of the JT brand, I just want to thank him for making music I can get married to and for gracing my ears with an album full of soulfully eclectic tunes! In case anybody was wondering, my standout favorites so far (in order of importance in my mind and heart) are Pusher Love Girl, That Girl, Suit & Tie, and Mirrors.

Have a great day folks and make sure you listen to a little Justin…it makes the world a brighter place.

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