Monday, March 11, 2013

Weekend Recap: First World Problems

Disclaimer:  This is going to be that blog where I complain about some of my first world problems. I know that in the grand scheme these worries are meaningless and frivolous but they are mine and that’s just the way it is. My weekend recap is going to cover a few so I thought I should warn you first.

Goodbye Massage Therapist – much like committing in a relationship I am choosy about my massage therapist. You can’t just be with anybody and I worked very hard to find Fernando!  After years of frogs I finally found a prince!! I was happy with my selection I committed my money and time.  You don’t realize how important it is to have a therapist that understands you, strives to help you improve, and has actual skill.  And for the last few months that is what I had, so imagine my devastation to find out my routine and quality interaction was going away.  My therapist is moving to Florida to be with his family, admirable but stupid if you ask me! You can talk to your family via Skype (I’ll send them an iPad). You don’t have to relocate…seriously!  Take me with you Fernando…don’t go! So now the hunt for a skilled, understanding, and cool NEW therapist must begin. I’m not looking forward to it!!!! I thought losing my hair dresser was bad, but I had no idea.

Hair Changes - In the spirit of change and cope, my hair dresser of forever and always left me over the holidays. She also moved to be with family.  But this weekend I had a probationary trial run with a new salon and stylist. It went well, my hair looks magnificent! She is fabulous, sweet, and tried to get to really know my hair care needs. The only downside is the salon is in Snellville, which is like driving to Alabama for me!  I have another appointment in 2 weeks, so we shall see if I continue to make the drive.

Daylight Savings Time Sucks – this time change is only annoying when we spring forward. Falling back is great because then I am early to just about everything. The adjustment in the spring is brutal and it needs to be stopped! I want my hour back Father Time, you jerk!

Whole Foods is an Expensive Favorite – I love me some whole foods but why do I have to pay so much more for the things that are good to me? One day I hope I can afford to make wholefoods my primary grocery store but for now I just shake my head and my wallet. I went in for some comfort food, the basics sushi, pita chips, IZZE (sparkling apple is my fave) and spinach artichoke dip (small); $30 later and only 1 bag to show for it I was a bit upset. It’s great you are so good for me but if I actually came in with a real grocery list it would cost me a month’s rent.  Do you offer coupons? Can I get a frequent shopper program? Just think about it, please!

Goodwill on the Technology Come-Up – shout out to good will because they now do electronic receipts and tracking. Thank you for my fancy print out and follow-up homework?!  Yes homework as in now I have to go online fill out information into this donation tracker and wait to obtain my tax receipt.  This entire process is extra and annoying. If I wasn’t diligent about getting tax receipts I would have said “F” this and made a sandwich.  Jokes on you Goodwill people like me will fill out the forms and visit the website. Game blouses (literally I dropped off a ton of blouses)!!!

Tax Refund Waiting Game- I am trying to purchase a new camera and pay some bills with my tax refund that isn’t here yet. Of course my state posted which means nothing because it is so little. Can my federal return post to my account A$AP Rocky!  Seriously it doesn’t take you this long to take taxes out of my paycheck so pick up the pace!  I could knit a sweater in the time it takes for me to get money from the government. For those of you that owe this year, I’m sorry (I have been there, just not this year).

Hunger – I am observing Lent like a good catholic but I have been dreaming about hamburgers and steaks. The meat-eater in me is sad and invading my subconscious. ! The first thing I plan to do post-Easter is sit on a patio, drink a beer, and eat a giant turkey burger with cheese (I can’t just open with beef my stomach would die). You are welcome to join me, first round of drinks on me J

First world problems…I know!  All I am missing is a stained fur coat and a busted Bentley. ! LOL

Photo credit: © Slavka | Dreamstime Stock Photos & Stock Free Images

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