Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Make Love not Gun Laws

Good morning folks! I’m off to a late start this morning but I did go to bed at 10pm and wake up on time, I’m just moving at the speed of molasses.

I have been caught up in the news coverage about the boy that was kidnapped off a bus in Alabama. I was happy to read yesterday that he has been returned to his home safely.  This got me thinking about how far we have come as a “civilization” (I use that term loosely).  Nothing is sacred anymore. You can’t go to the movies, fly on an airplane, or send your kids to school.  Where do we go from here?  We might as well be living in an episode of Walking Dead because this wild wild west mentality is dangerous and hinders our evolutionary progress.  What are we without our humanity and compassion? Animals and zombies behave better than we do. Don’t attack your own unless you are threatened; zombies don’t eat each other, I’m just saying.

As a non-breeder it makes you hesitant to even consider having children because what kind of world do we live in. I’m going to have to wrap my kids in kevlar, live in an underground bunker, and exercise my 2nd amendment right.  The Atlanta news did a segment about bullet proof book bags! Really them make bullet proof book bags now?!?! It is completely disheartening to know that creating a safe environment for your family in today’s world is so complex. How do you keep your kids safe and still educate them about the world?

I started thinking about home schooling and immediately ruled that out because I am not prepared to be trapped in a house with my future children for 8-10 hrs teaching them reading, writing, and calculus (let’s be real kids today don’t learn arithmetic they are teaching them MIT level engineering calculations).  I suck at calculus, I’m pretty sure I only passed because of the Grace of God.   I will likely have to pay somebody to home school my kids.  Then I realized I was thinking about my future kids and this conversation I was having with myself was expensive and completely inappropriate! LOL

After that I focused my energy on thoughts of self-preservation. What would I do if the world was overrun by zombies or if I was out in public and folks start shooting?  What do you do? What would Rick from Walking Dead do? Of course I would run but I like to think that I would act smart, look for my partner in avoiding crimes and make sure he was ok. I also want to be where he is since he packs heat! When you care about people I think they become an extension of yourself, so your instinct for preservation extends to them.  I would try to help people I hope. Honestly, I don’t want to ever find out what I would do because I don’t want to be in that situation. It is unfortunate that statistically the chances of that are becoming more and more unlikely.  So what do we do?

I try to avoid discussing politics because I would probably find myself in office somewhere waiting for Olivia Pope to bring a team of warriors to fix a mess I made. I will say that I don’t feel one way or another about gun laws because I’m a firm believer that if it wasn’t guns it would be bombs, or rocks, or bricks, or fists.  Make love not stricter gun laws. We need to change our culture and how we socialize our kids.  A weapon is a weapon, what is the problem is people’s comfort with attacking and harming others.  It’s a new right like breathing for some which is an indicator that our society is desensitized and moving toward the emotionally inept.  We are too advanced for our own good and we have forgotten we are all animals on the same team.  Sing Kumbaya people, drive a Volkswagen, listen to some Bob Marley and find your inner peace. Keep your emotionally unstable, aggressive, murderous behaviors to yourself. We should be working together, building each other up, not grabbing kids off buses and shooting up public places.

With that said we are all on the same team until you pull a gun on me or my future kids, I will come at you like a spider monkey. Know that I am ride or die for my family, which means over my dead body (or yours).

Photo from:
© Wannous | Stock Free Images & Dreamstime Stock Photos

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