Friday, February 8, 2013

Scandal Life Lessons

I love me some Scandal and it will be a rare occurrence for me to discuss it in my blog but after watching last night’s episode I had some thoughts I needed to share! This show is more than just entertainment, it is educational.

·         Dating married men is wrong. We all know this but it does make for good TV. To all the homewreckers and side chicks out there don’t make lustfully bad decisions.  Karma is real and the devil can actually be in people (I mean you Millie). We learned a valuable lesson last night and that is the wife is still winning (even when she is wrong wrong wrong).
·         Killing your spouse is never the answer and gay marriage should be covered under spousal privilege!
·         We are all just babies to Mother White America (this society we live in is still minority, majority) –much like Cyrus and James adopted a little black baby we are all at the mercy of the majority. Not a fan of this fact but on a record breaking show with a black leading lady she is still losing to the white man’s world.
·         Political Animals! Politics has a sliding scale of morality and ethics. We all know it but the one thing that seems to continuously ring true is the addiction to power.  We need an intervention people!
·         Gladiators don’t have feelings.  Sometimes being a warrior requires sacrifice and you have to put your feelings aside and handle business.
·         If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck it’s probably a horse. A Trojan horse that is; I felt a little bamboozled by all the twists and turns last night. The most valuable thing learned is that people aren’t always who they say they are.  Also people have limits, push them too far and they become killers.

Aside from all those life lessons, I’m debating whether I need to bring back What If Friday. I'm on the fence so we shall see how next week shapes up.

I hope everybody has a great Friday!  I am going to live above the influence! For those that aren’t aware, I'm not referring to drugs; I'm speaking on the temptation to slap people in the face and other inappropriate actions!

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