Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Bad Feeling

Do you ever wake up and have the feeling that somebody is going to break into your house and steal everything you own. Well me either, until today! For some reason I woke up with an ominous feeling.  It could have been the rain. It could have been the fact that on my way to grab my breakfast I spilled something on my dress (I didn’t care enough to change by the way).  It could be that I live near a shadier group of residents and juvenile delinquents.  It could have also been sleep deprivation but either way I just had a bad feeling. 

The kind of feeling that prompted me to hide my diamonds and take pictures of my major electronics, all before walking out the door.  So now I have a blackberry full of photos and a ton of questions.  
Priority question:  What is this feeling?
Secondary question:  Why I thought taking pictures of my stuff would make me feel better?
Tertiary Question:  Where is my tide pen?

Have you ever acted on your instinct then wondered what the action would accomplish or why? I do it more than I would like to admit taking a different route home from various locations, following my gut and buying those chocolate brownies (don’t judge I get hungry), not accepting facebook friend requests, avoiding craigslist (at all costs), not dating certain people (that was back in my single days), offering my friends alcohol to see if they are pregnant. Sometimes you just think something is up and you do things to test your theory.

I’m a firm believer in intuition. No I don’t logically think somebody is going to break into my house today. I recognize that was a bit ridiculous but I’m a bit ridiculous so I accept that. Why did I question safety this morning, we may never know. But do I follow my gut, hell yes!  It has only let me down twice and that was mainly because of lust or my personal decision to ignore it! I suffered the consequences for that and now I know better. Other than those two incidences, my gut has helped me make very good life decisions about work, friends, finances, and relationships.

The Man of Steel (this is how I will forever refer to my FiancĂ©  via blog because he is awesome and a Steelers fan) says I think the best of people. He is so very right; I use my gut to assess people. If I can connect with them and my spirit gives an initial ok then I roll with it.  My gut helps me determine how to categorize friends, how to participate in situations, and what decisions I can feel comfortable with making. I do wish my gut helped me pick restaurants, that is one choice I avoid making at all costs. I will also point out that my gut is easily distracted by food and snacks so sometimes it takes a minute to figure people and things out.

In the end everything works out.  Whatever is going down today I’m ready for you and if somebody does happen to break into my apartment I have renters insurance so I’m not too worried. I also know karma will haunt you Paranormal Activity style so I wish you luck.

© Henrischmit | Stock Free Images & Dreamstime Stock Photos

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