Wednesday, February 13, 2013

When is Easter?!

Happy Ash Wednesday friends and readers. Lent is upon us! I don’t often post about spiritual things but today I’m sharing my goals for Lent (in the most random way possible); more as a personal accountability tool than anything else!

The season of Lent is a Catholic liturgical season consisting of 40 days of fasting, prayer, and penitence.  I may not be the best catholic but I’m practicing.  This Lenten season I’m challenging myself to add and subtract things that will help give me perspective. Sure I am going to participate in the normal fasting practices but I am also hoping to forfeit some of those things that have taken over my life and increase actions that can help me embrace the call of Christ and improve my personal character.

Lent 2013 the Road to Awesomeness (some of the things I plan to do):

·         Sacrificing my favorite foods – no wine, or mac and cheese, or junk food. I am cleaning up my act and actually doing the master cleanse, focusing on detoxifying my body and resisting the temptation to eat what I want.  I’m working on discipline people (by starving myself)! I will warn you that my mood is going to take a turn for the worse once I remove sugary and carby loaded goodness. Expect my blog to be dark and full of food references for the next 40 days.
·         Better use of Social Media – I dare myself to post a spiritually uplifting, though-provoking insight, or a prayer each day through my social networking sites. I get tired of using social media to further promote ratchetness or call attention to negative, crazy, or incredibly stupid things. Maybe I can try to inspire others or at least myself.  So facebook and twitter look out I’m bringing the inspirational!
·         Not purchasing (any new shoes or clothing) - in an effort to stop my closet from becoming overrun and to make room for the Man of Steel to move in, I’m making space in my physical world. Metaphorically, this is allowing room for other more important things in my life. In actuality, I’m spring cleaning so he has room to put his clothes in the closet.
·         Helping More – charity will be a focus this season for me. I am going to do more to help out those in need (works of mercy)! I plan to donate clothing (I am reducing inventory for reasons mentioned in the bullet above), tithe more, give to organizations of my choice. This is more than a tax ride off this is helping people.  I may even volunteer my time to teach blind children to read, you never know.
·         Committing to Quiet time – I’m a going to take more time to commune with God. Personal prayer with the Lord is important. Quiet time also means taking more moments to de-stress, release anger, and focus on relaxation. So while I am having a massage, or working out, or whatever know I’m ignoring you because I am trying to talk to God (it’s not you, it’s him so don’t take it personally). 

I’m not confident I’ll succeed in my quest but I’m trying anyway! At the end of these 40 days, aside from being hungry, skinny, and very zen I hope to have learned something about myself and my place in this world. Either way the journey continues and randomness will prevail along with Jesus. I’m definitely team Jesus and the Holy Spirit and I have the ashes on my forehead to prove it!

P.S. - Happy Birthday to the Best Dad Ever! I hope you are having a great day!! Love you!!

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