Monday, February 4, 2013

Ode to Football

Dear Football,
We have come to the end and I’m sad to see you go.  Thank you for another season of hard hits, ridiculous officiating, glorified reporting aka ESPN exposés (I’m talking catfish), camaraderie, great catches, amazing runs, goal line stands, losses, wins, and overall joy from watching supreme athletes compete at the highest level.
Now that a Super Bowl champion has been declared (Congrats to the Baltimore Ravens) our love affair is temporarily on hold. You return to the shadows as players recover, teams rebuild, and basketball players start to stretch their legs.  As we close the door on another season of greatness, I shed a tear knowing that I will have to go on without you.  No college football flags to wave, no tailgates to attend, no college game day or NFL red zone.   All I have are CSS sports repeats, Saints t-shirts, and UGA hoodies to keep me warm and maintain the memories.  My fan gear will only get me so far before the reality that I will have to suffer through basketball season truly hits.
Football you allow me to be me, without you I am a shell of the woman I once was. You make it ok to eat chicken wings and drink beer without working out. You make it acceptable to plaster my car and body with paraphernalia. You make it culturally acceptable to yell at strangers and chant in crowds (WHO DAT!!!!). You make it ok to indoctrinate children and debate at the dinner table.  More importantly you connect  friends and fans (enemies too) of all races, creeds, and nationalities; giving me hope that this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed (thank you Dr. King for having a dream).
I just want to thank you for a few highlights that have me salivating for the 2013 - 2014 season:

  1. Rev Ray – thank you for giving that man a Ring on his way out. Ray Lewis is an amazing player to watch and he will be missed. However, I am looking forward to his glorious career as a minister, public speaker, or life coach. I also look forward to his commentating and coverage because somebody is going to hire him to talk football and that my friends will be like going to Church every NFL Sunday. I plan to tithe and catch the Holy Ghost in the front row whenever he is on TV. Thank you Ray!
  2. NFL Thanks you for Being a Fan - because of this commercial I am whole heartedly convinced that at some point in my near future a large box will show up on my door step and Miles Austin, Desean Jackson, or Braylon Edwards will jump out and take me on adventure. I hope my fiancé doesn’t hate on me (I will get autographs and be on my best behavior, pinky swear). 
  3. Free at Last Free At Last Sean Payton is Free At Last - although he should have never been suspended in the first place thank you Football for reinstating my head coach. I am also thankful that players - Jonathan Vilma, Will Smith, Scott Fujita and Anthony Hargrove - had their bans overturned on appeal. Let’s move on from this and make a Bounty paper towel commercial about stains featuring the NFL and its bounty gate witch hunt.  I’m thinking super bowl debut.  
  4. Replacement Refs are no more- I am just glad the paperwork was signed and that replacement refs have returned to their regular post at Buffalo Wild Wings. Everybody wins!
  5. Loyal Dawgs – thank you Aaron Murray for planning to return for your senior season. The Bulldawg nation appreciates your loyalty and we look forward to you delivering the goods. If you decide to date Ms. Georgia beware that she will get more attention then you at the BCS National Championship Game.  Or you could just steal Ms. Alabama (we know you want too).
  6. Any references to Manti Teo’s fake girlfriend. I enjoy a good catfish story like the rest of you.  The fact that his story has spawned catch phrases, twitter accounts, and comedic exploits makes me love it so much more. Thank you for replacing Tebowing (it was time).  Thank you for being the “scandal” to end the season. We all know your girlfriend turned off the lights at the Super Bowl Last night (he he he he) call Scooby and the gang a supernatural ghost is at work.  
  7. SEC – high scoring, grown man football playing teams! Thank you for being the best conference EVER!!! Eventually, a day will come when an SEC school isn’t playing for a national title, but I plan to be rolling over in my grave by then.  We have won the last six BCS titles and that is all I have to say about that! I'm Proud to be a part of the SEC fan kingdom!!
  8. BCS announces four-team playoff – we will see how this four-team playoff system in 2014 shakes out. I am reserving comment.  I have another year to mull it over before I make judgments…
  9. NFL Draft - my money is on Leon Sandcastle. I do however look forward to seeing the who, where, and what that transpires at the draft.  The draft is the official merger of my passion for college football with my respect for the pros.  My heart and soul are in college football but watching players move on to the next level is joyful, plus it is a marker for the return of the sport I have grown to love!

Football, don’t forget what you are and what you do for people! You are AMAZING! My favorite sport, I salute you and mourn your absence all in one breath.  Can’t you be like year round school; small breaks in between to give us more time together. Don’t leave, baby come back!!!! I’m not sure what I will do without you but I’m counting down the days (205) until we meet again.
Faithful Fan and member of the Who Dat and Bulldawg Nations!
The seats may be empty but not for too long...
Photo: (© Csakisti |  Stock Free Images & Dreamstime Stock Photos)

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