Monday, February 25, 2013

Oscar Weekend Mania

Happy Monday to you folks, I’m not feeling my normal 100% self but I still wanted to comment on the Oscars last night. I have a love –hate relationship with awards shows and the Oscars is yet another show I don’t bring myself to watch often. Despite taking a 1 hour break to view Walking Dead (which I feel is much more important) I did catch a great bit of the longest awards show ever.  I wanted to share my good, bad, and ugly with you all.

Hosts set the Tone – I doubt Seth McFarlane will be asked to repeat his hosting gig based on last night’s performance.  Sure there was an occasional funny moment I enjoyed the Sound of Music bit, Captain Kirk’s commentary, and the Ted cameo. But overall I think he dirtied it up a bit making the show more frat house party than classy, elegant event.  Much like an STD Seth just wouldn’t go away.  He was an equal opportunity joke teller taking shots at women, African Americans, and for some reason Joaquin Phoenix.  I found much of it to be in poor taste which is rare because I have an open minded sense of humor.  All in all, I feel like if I wanted to watch an episode of Family Guy I would have. I need Seth in moderation, tons of moderation.

Jennifer Lawrence – so I haven’t seen Silver Linings Playbook but based on who she was nominated with I’m guessing she was an upset.  The most important part of her win was that she fell up the stairs. Not down, but up. In true form she proved it isn’t about how you fall but how you get up. After tripping over her dress she got to the podium and acknowledged her embarrassment and humbly accepted her award. It was kind of hard to laugh after that. So kudos to you Jennifer.

Sam Jackon’s suit – all I can really say is why? Why Sam, Why?!

Shaken Not Stirred - The James Bond tribute was pretty cool. Halle Berry looked stunning and Gold Figaaaahhhhh was performed by Shirley Bassey.  That was a piece of music history I thoroughly enjoyed! Then later in the show, separate from the Bond tribute Adele performed. I know she was nominated for best original song but it was just odd that she performed separate.  You had an opportunity Oscars producers to capitalize on a theme and you blew it! 

Babs is pimptastic – the great Barbra Streisand performed The Way We Were for the In Memoriam tribute. She was fantastic as always! However during her entire performance I was blinded and downright distracted by her gold bling. Pinky rangs, and gold chains, chokers and bracelet thangs; she was flossin.  All that was missing was a pimp hat and gold grill. I was fascinated to say the least!!!

Tie Score – even Mark Wahlberg seemed surprised that Skyfall and Zero Dark Thirty split the award for best sound editing.
The rest of us were worried it was a practical joke but Marky Mark assured us it was not. I didn’t know the Oscar’s had ties. They don’t have a runoff election like in politics. Maybe they could have an American Gladiators style battle to the death.  If would make the show more interesting.

Oscar Acceptance Speeches – aside from the weird nominees box on the side of the stage the winners ranged from distinguished and humbled, to weird and kooky. You can always tell the costume designers and editors from actors and directors. We had soap boxes for peace, justice, and the American dream.  And from hippies to foreigners, long hair to hair raising, and family focused to team work makes the dream work we had a rather uneventful set of acceptances speeches.  What did manage to stand out for me included
·         The Jaws music that the show played when people timed out of their speech (get off the stage the sharks are coming) LOL
·         Ang Lee (best Director for Life of Pi) – taking time to thank the Movie Gods and his crew then stopping because he was wasting time thanking his crew, and then thanking his lawyer because he had too!!! Sorry Spielberg you can’t win them all.
·         Ben Afflect (best film for Argo) – his speech was genuine, frantic, and historic.  I loved it! He gave life lessons - "You can't hold grudges — it's hard but you can't hold grudges."  And was thankful to come full circle from goodwill Hunting and be back on the Oscar’s stage. Plus his award was presented by Michelle Obama (how cool is that).

All in all the show was rather dull. I must say I was surprised Django won best original screenplay, but I guess that is the best they could do since Tarantino wasn’t going to win best director (Peace Out). Not surprised about Christoph Waltz his performance in the movie was outstanding.  I’m still scratching my head about Lincoln, but Daniel Day Lewis is an amazing actor which is why he is now a 3 time lead actor winner! I’m glad Brave won best animated film because it was pretty amazing.  Life of Pi is on my must see list and that is where my thoughts will end!

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