Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Weekend Reflection

President’s Day has come and gone and I find myself back in the office.   Having a 3 day weekend helped me come to some very real life conclusions that I want to share with you all! This may not add any value to your day but at least you will know all about my weekend!

Include Monday in the weekend – I whole-heartedly believe that Monday should be permanently included in the weekend.  Having that extra weekend day would do wonders for the work force.  For people like me who are over scheduled and constantly busy weekends can become errand days and extra workdays.  Sunday may be my day of rest but Monday should be my day of relaxation!  And relax I did watching movies, and chillin on the couch.  I could get used to this…Free Mondays!!!!!

Nothing ventured nothing gained – I had a great talk with a good friend this weekend who was seeking advice. I realized that fear can hold us back from so many decisions and I encouraged him to take a risk. Ultimately, I was reminded that you never know if you don’t try and that old sayings may have some value.  I also learned that I'm quite content not dating in today’s technological world.

Cleanses make you miserable and hungry –aside from setting you up for failure, abstaining for food by choice is the dumbest thing I have ever done in my life. I didn’t last very long before having to alter my plan. My body and spirit were in a not so great place (headaches, mood swings, crazy eyes).  So now that we are on day 7 the plan is to cleanse 90% of the day and to have at least one small meal of veggies and semi-solid foods.   It is best for everyone this way, especially the people closest to me (I’m sorry for any property damage or violence).  

Hotels have airport prices – we stayed at a JW Marriot this weekend and I learned a valuable lesson about outrageous pricing. I get that my peers steal soap, shampoo, and other hotel swag, but let’s not punish all for the actions of a few.  You charge me to park, you charge me to eat, and you charge me for perks.  I accept that. What I do not accept is how you can charge $17.99 to watch a movie on my room TV. It would cost me less to go to a movie theater… seriously hotels?!   I'm not a reality TV star, I am a regular person and that is just unaffordable. Other than not watching any movies on my fancy TV, the stay was wonderful and I highly recommend the JW Marriot (Buckhead) the staff is great and the rooms are very nice!

Prepare for anything financially – over the weekend I received news that two people I know had lost their jobs.  This confirmed the importance of sound financial planning. You never know what is going to happen in this economy people.  Save up extra rent and extra funds to cover your bills.  I don’t have kids I can’t return, I don’t live beyond my means, I have a retirement plan, and I try to save more than I spend.  Financial insufficiency is a solid fear of mine so I’m probably overly cautious but I’m ok with that.

Beyoncé – I had a girl’s night this weekend and watched the Beyoncé special on HBO. It reminded me that I was unable to get tickets to her show (it sold out in a blink). I didn’t really learn too much other than she really loves to put her face right in the camera. It was a great look at some of her performances, as far as insight into her thoughts and life, yeah not so much.   Maybe if I wasn’t abstaining from wine I would have enjoyed it more. Disappointed!

A life of crime is for criminals – I am not built for a life of crime people. I already knew this before the weekend. But after some conversations this weekend I realized that true crime lords are good at what they do because they are made to do it.  Stupid criminals and up standing citizens don’t have the heart or moral liberty to be successful at committing crimes, which is how it should be!  I will just follow the speed limit, earn money the honest way (a job that takes all my income in taxes), not murder people, not popping mollies (wooo, I hate sweating), not harboring fugitives, and just sticking to the general letter of the law!  I’m happy being a law abiding citizen!

New Show Alert- House of Cards is the new show in my life! It shows us why Scandal needs to exist.  This show gives you a gritty look into the twisted mind of a politician and how the world works in DC. It delivers compelling storylines and remarkable performances by its cast! Kevin Spacey and Robin Wright (formerly Penn) remind me why I love television and film.  Check out the show on Netflix if you are looking for something new to watch!  I can’t wait for the next season…seriously!

OK that about sums up my weekend.  I hope you all had fun, now it is back to reality.

Photo Credits: © Pepperbox | Stock Free Images & Dreamstime Stock Photos

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