Tuesday, August 21, 2012

BathTub Dreams

I was feeling some kind of way this morning but after knocking out some work specific tasks I do feel better.  As I’m about to embark on lunch, I started thinking about dreams; not the life goals kind but the ones you have in REM stage of sleep. There was a random reoccurring theme in my dreams last night and it has been bugging me all morning.

I know many of you could care less about what I dream but this blog isn’t about you, now is it? My various dreams last night mostly involved family and activities, but there was something common in all of the segments of dreamscapes and that was bathtubs filling with water.   In every scenario at some point there was either an empty bathtub overflowing or a person in a bathtub filling up with water.  Bizarre I thought mainly because there was no concern about mess or clean-up on my part.

Me being the Type A nerd that I am, I decided to use the fancy square processor at my finger tips to investigate the meaning of this on the internet (my one and only source for all legitimate non-rape related information). For those following political news you know what that reference means!

Please note that my factoids come from dream dictionaries including http://www.dreamforth.com/; http://www.dreambible.com/ and http://www.dreammoods.com/ I was limited due to content blocks, silly work computer Trix are for kids!!!

According to dream dictionaries:

To dream about seeing or being in a bathtub indicates a need for self-rejuvenation and liberation from daily troubles. You should lighten the load that you have been shouldering. It's also a sign that you crave affection, enjoyment and peace. You may feel submerged in your subsurface thoughts. You should relax and slow the pace instead of plunging into things.
To dream that you are taking a bath signifies a cleansing of your outer and inner self. You are washing away the difficult times. This dream may also be symbolic of ridding yourself of old ideas, notions, opinions, and other negativities. Your dream may be pointing toward forgiveness and letting go.
Water in dreams most often symbolizes our negative unconscious thoughts and emotions, negative situations that bring uncertainty, the unfamiliar, obstacles, or unwanted changes. To dream of running water represents negative situations or uncertainty that you are noticing all the time. Dripping water may reflect a problem situation that is slowly beginning to surface.
To dream that you are in the bathroom, relates to your instinctual urges. You may be experiencing some burdens/feelings and need to "relieve yourself". Alternatively, it may symbolize purification and self-renewal. You need to cleanse yourself, both emotionally and psychologically.
So now that I have been enlightened by the internet about the symbolism in my dream, I realize much like a well-trained psychic detective this interpretation is accurate! And I am relieved that I am not going to drown in my own bathtub in some weird horror story, Final Destination 6+ movie ending!
·         I do need liberation from some issues bothering me, and yesterday I did reach my quota for daily troubles.
·         I do crave affection and peace, I also crave sleep but my creepy dreams are preventing that!
·         I did rid myself of old ideas and notions recently surrounding my sister and my emotional cleanse is in progress with the help of wine and DVR!
·         I was feeling some very negative and borderline hostile emotions yesterday that are a part of reoccurring negative situations. Who doesn’t ask if there is a meeting before cancelling, grown-ups with ulterior motives that’s who!  Who emails you with consistent hostility after telling you they won’t contact you anymore, crazy 24 year olds that’s who! 
·         I can assume that since the water was flowing that my subconscious is sensing a situation that is quickly approaching; my impending move perhaps. I have like 6 weeks to find a place to live since my lease is up. I HATE moving all those boxes, all the sweating, bribing friends and buying furniture. Arg!!!
·         I can assume my instinctual urge is to kill like a ninja and I’m cool with that. I did relieve myself this morning when I woke up so even that part has validity.
Dreams are so true sometimes. I wonder what it means when I have that Animated Super Hero Justice League dream. Batman is a pimp; Wonderwoman a prostitute; Superman a used car salesman/street peddler (selling pocket watches out of his cape). Everybody has reverse roles and it’s in full color! More research required!!!

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