Tuesday, May 21, 2013

5 minute 5 {Holiday Approaches}

It just hit me that this is a long weekend  (civil servitude means holidays off)! The excitement level associated with the realization of this fact is very high.  I decided to share five things I am going to do over the course of the weekend.
  1. Dinner party - dining with some of my favorites (some folks are actually celebrating birthdays and graduations (i.e. Nita, Kels, Megs)!
  2. Shopping – yeah so I leave for vacation in 9 days and all I really have at this point is one bathing suit that kinda fits and a ton of sun dresses. I am not ready for tropical weather and I don’t have a book picked out for the plane. Gap we have a date on Memorial Day, try to have a sale!
  3. Packing – did you read the part where I said vacation in 9 days?!
  4. Sweating – summer is creeping in with a vengeance. IT is supposed to be in the 80s this holiday weekend every fan I own will be on overdrive. My AC isn’t allowed on until late June (I’m a frugal weirdo like that).
  5. Grillin and Chillin – it is Memorial Day so I need to get my cook and relaxation on. There will be grillin, there will be chillin, there won’t be Bobby Flay (which makes me sad).
Photo Credit: © Patrimonio | Dreamstime Stock Photos & Stock Free Images

*what I wont be doing is riding a bike while carrying a flag!
Happy Tuesday (aka 3 more days until this weekend can begin day )!!!!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Family Matters

The past few days my family has been spinning as we have been dealing with a life game changer. As we move forward with decision making and overcome the challenges of what is coming, I have been reminded of the importance of family and the support it brings.

As I look forward to my wedding and the life that awaits me when I start my own family, I forgot what it means to really come together in a time of catastrophe. All the blessings going on in my life caused a temporary loss of sight for what it means to be a part of something bigger than myself; a whole bigger than the sum of its parts.

Family is a just that, a group of people bound by blood and heart working together for a common goal. A team of people likely to have never crossed paths if it wasn’t for fate and DNA sharing and building a legacy. We may have injured players or weak links but together we are strong. Together we provide support, strength, and love to each other.

I have a family of survivors and we will continue to do just that, no matter what the challenge. We are fortunate to have each other, even if we don’t always appreciate or understand that fact. Cordiers, Moores, Fells, Wards, and so many more have come together by birthright or marriage, or good ole fashion faith and we have created a network of believers, supporters, helpers, and providers. We created a FAMILY. And as we move forward we will need to rely on that community. We will need to keep building and expanding that so that what remains is a heritage, an inheritance of love and laughter that will live until the end of time (generation to generation).

We all go through hardships, we all share blessings, we all strive for something to be proud of but sometimes we forget that we are born with that; a last name that means something, relationships that withstand fire and ice, a community of people that want nothing more than our happiness and success.

So I am more than myself, more than the sum of my immediate parts, I’m a part of something much bigger than myself, a family! A family that I continue to be proud of, one that I continue to support; a legacy for which I hope to contribute my best self.

We may not always like each other, or comprehend, or agree but we will always have each other and love each other and that counts for something that I can’t honestly put into words.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Monday Morning Musing

Happy Monday peeps! I trust everyone had a great weekend, if not that sucks and I’m sorry. Today is a new day and I am feeling rested and ready to take on the week. With my Luna bar in hand I decided to recap my weekend warrior antics.
  • No I did not go to the Sweet Auburn festival and yes I am slightly bummed about that.
  • Yes I did spend a great deal of time at Hobby Lobby and that makes me an old lady and I am not ashamed.
  • My bestie started her move to Florida
  • International travel can be a nightmare but it brought my Kels back to me, to me…
  • A special lady I know on crutches is now on my girls’ movie night summer activity list
  • Dinner party, Dinner Party, Dinner party…planning
  • The apartment above mine is leaking water (flashback to last year and the nightmare that caused).
  • Glitter and tripods (they go together, you will see).
  • Countdown to vacation is at 17 days!!!!
  • Mother’s Day was celebrated! All the moms out there making the world a better place are pretty awesome!!
Have a great day!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Viva vacaciones!

The only thing on my mind on this “the busiest day for no reason” is my upcoming vacation.  I am going to the Dominican Republic in t-minus 23 days! I’m ready to dip my toes in the ocean, play in the sand, and party it up with friends.  I plan to leave my crappy blackberry in the hotel, grab my bikini and do absolutely nothing for 4 days.

It cannot come fast enough people!  I have so much to do in preparation for this trip and the events upcoming this month. All the crazy likes to happen when you are gearing up to relax. But the joke is on you month of MAY, my joy will not be impeded.  I will not fall victim to the crazy, I will get it all done and I will not care about it [sometimes you have to tell the month whose boss].

I’m getting in shape slowly but surely. I still have 2.5 more weeks to get my life and my abs together. I'm not exactly stocked up on necessary supplies and resources for international travel but my passport is ready and that is the most important thing.

What I don’t appreciate is you Mother Nature and all this rain and cold weather. I still have to shop for warm climates and this cold is making it difficult to imagine; plus it is just really annoying.

Vacation is a gift from the heavens that I am ready to accept and appreciate. Viva la vacaciones.
Who doesn't love balloons and ocean air?!
© Sundikova | Dreamstime Stock Photos & Stock Free Images

Friday, May 3, 2013

5 minute 5 {Foggy Friday)

As I eat my morning breakfast (oatmeal) here are just 5 of the things running through my mind this morning:
  • Why is the weather so drab today?  The rain and clouds are really putting a damper on my morning. It is really difficult to get out of bed and come to work when the weather is telling me it’s ok to sleep. Plus it is supposed to rain alllllll weekend. Damn you Mother Nature, you cruel wench.
  • I need a laptop or a stylus pen for my ipad (one or the other). Those things would make my day better.
  • This summer I really need to travel and visit the people I love! Ladies I am making summer rounds! I need to plan an annual girl’s trip (with wine, lots of wine).
  • Joannne Chesimard added to the FBIs most wanted list … 40 years after the fact. She is the first woman and she is black -- no coincidence. Since when did killing one person or escaping prison make you a “terrorist”? I am sad for the victim and for Chesimard but want to point out that the 70s was a different time and I feel like in an age where real terrorist are committing crimes of mass destruction federal and local resources could be better spent. Good luck getting Cuba to extradite her if you find her…pick your battles better law enforcement. I’m just saying…
  • Chris Kelly died a few days ago and it is so sad that it may be drug related. So many people are lost and it makes me sad.
I hope everyone has a good Friday!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Snake in the weeds

I am feeling some kind of way this morning about snakes in the weeds. We all know a few people that seem to work extra hard to make your life difficult or strive to knock your blessings.  Some people are selfish, unhappy, and envious of others (such is life).  I really dislike people that pretend to be on your team but are really lying in wait to throw you under the first bus they can.  

Reveal yourselves back stabbers; hell, wear a sign or something. I have been having a lot of conversations with people I trust and love recently about the authentic self. I strive to be me to everyone but I noticed that snakes aren’t honest with themselves or their “friends”.   You have to be real about your situation, your roles and responsibilities, and your outcomes. I don’t ask to know your business (you choose to share) and your inconsistency with storytelling lets me know a lot about the nature of your character.  I don’t care what you decide to do because the decisions you make are your own.  Stop lying to yourself and own your actions. Nothing good comes from being conniving and your tomfoolery is just that.    

Be careful who you associate with friends, my great aunt reminded me that snakes do what comes natural to them. God told us they were serpents and to beware because if given the chance, they will bite. At some point they will come across a Hawk or some other snake eating predator and will learn the error of their ways.  

So for the snakes out there please know this…
  • You don’t know me like you think you do. Don’t assume shit.
  • I’m at a point in my life where I can’t afford to lie to myself or others. 
  • I try to say what I mean and mean what I say (i.e. I don’t want to be bothered with you really means I don’t want to be bothered with you).
  • Stupidity is a self-inflicted condition and knowledge is the cure.
  • Forgiveness isn’t my strong suit so don’t push the envelope.  
  • I am non-discriminatory when it comes to my avoidance of people (I don’t talk to everyone equally), if you don’t like or that fact then leave me alone (no love lost, I promise).
  • I may need to use more tact in life but all in all I’m letting you know what you are getting (my sarcasm comes from a place of love; my harsh tone isn’t personal it’s me being direct).
  • Karma is a cruel and spiteful b*tch
  • Kindness is not weakness; it is saving your life. I’m not a killer but don’t push me! 

I hate snakes (you can't take my place you back stabbers)!