Monday, November 19, 2012

Certificate of Appreciation

As we move forward in this season of Thanks, I want people to receive and more importantly give appreciation. Yeah I said it! I’m tired of always showing my thanks for people or being the bigger person, mending the fences, helping the masses.  Sometimes I want a day off! Those that take care of others, occasionally like for people to take care of them! The last few weeks I have wanted something special so I’m treating myself to a massage on Friday.  But sometimes you want appreciation from others…certificates work when cash is not an option.

*Stepping on soap box* some of us need tender loving care and special gestures to reinvigorate our moods and remind us that all is not in vain. In order for me to not lose my mind, sometimes I don’t want to decide a movie, or what’s for dinner, or anything remotely related to being responsible.  Cheap Kroger flowers, 99 cent cards and a cupcake from your favorite bakery can go a really long way!  Here is your PSA, do special things for those you love even the simple, cheap, and free kind. One day I would love to wake up or come home to my dishes being put away, or my laundry folded, or my favorite meal sitting on the table. It would make me feel like a million dollars to have a back rub or a warm bath bubble bath offered up without me thinking about it.  I’m going to move out of the realm of partners and into the reality of everyday relationships; Say Thank you to people that help you out, or listen, or take time (burden hours) to accomplish goals for you. Thank you, hugs, handshakes, and food bribes can make a difference in anyone’s world.

I try to make an effort to thank people. Thank you for sending me that email, thank you for asking that stupid question, thank you for reminding me of that annoying fact, thank you for doing me a huge favor, thank you for being around, thank you for all you do! I try to show my appreciation with food (purchased or homemade meals), laughter, gifting when and what is needed, using my words with verbal acknowledgements, tending to personal tasks so you don’t have to, and much more.  I truly try to show my thanks but I know it isn’t always recognized or received. Doesn’t mean I stop doing it. We all need to be reminded that we are appreciated and valued!

Making your way in the world today takes everything you've got.
Taking a break from all your worries sure would help a lot.
Wouldn't you like to get away?
Sometimes you want to go
Where everybody knows your name, and they're always glad you came.
You wanna be where you can see, our troubles are all the same
You wanna be where everybody knows, Your name.

For those of us that are an all-expense paid trip to the land of independence, we need delight and gratitude too.  It can be hard for Type-A personalities to slow down but what really makes things skittles and rainbows for an over scheduled person is aid! Not first-aid because that takes up valuable time (krazy glue can close wounds if you are pressed for time or have warrants out); actual assistance does make things better.  I don’t need people to buy me expensive presents, although I won’t turn them down, I would prefer help.  People like me don’t ask for help (the Land of Independence remember) but we still need it. And yes I’m painting appreciation with a broad but help focused brush but it is my blog and I can do what I want to. I’m not sure what I would do with help…If somebody would occasionally clean my kitchen, gas up my car, grab my mail, supply me with V8 Fusion energy drinks, not need anything from me for like 10 minutes or 2 days, silence in a world full of noise, and so much more. I would appreciate help if given!!!! 

Appreciation or affection can be shown in many ways and to be truly genuine will differ from person to person.  Some people like grand gestures, some like thoughtfulness, others like alcohol and greasy foods. The point is helping people can be simple or complex way to show thanks and is something great to do not just at Thanksgiving but year round.

To all the people in my life that help me and listen to me, I say THANK YOU!  I have been feeling a bit disconnected from my friends recently but I have not lost focus of the many things you do to support me! Including but not limited to the following:
·         Awarding me a certificate for Jerkdom
·         Being cool with sweat pants and red soccer socks as a fashion ensemble
·         Building websites
·         Calling me after 10am on Saturdays
·         Calling to check in when you know I screen my calls (all the time)
·         Congratulating my football teams on wins
·         Dressing up and making Halloween costumes
·         General apartment maintenance (plumbing included)
·         Giving me computer and business advice
·         Giving me toll booth change
·         Hosting Dinners and game nights
·         Ignoring my inappropriate outbursts
·         Knowing where the bodies are buried and keeping it to yourself
·         Laughing at my jokes
·         Letting me decline participating in fantasy football every year
·         Letting me preview pictures prior to posting to social media sites
·         Liking my posts on Facebook
·         Not leaving voicemails because you know I won’t listen to them
·         Not correcting my egregious spelling and grammar errors
·         Picking up the tab
·         Riding Marta to Lindbergh so I don’t have to pick you up from the airport
·         Sending me funny links that make me LOL (literally)
·         Sharing my blog with others / Entertaining the fact that I write a blog
·         Staying away when you are sick
·         Taking out my trash
·         Traveling with me and/or inviting me to travel
·         Understanding why I don’t turn my heat on
·         Using Google Drives to organize things
·         Wishing me and my family well
·         Praying for my happiness and success and so much more

For your consideration: I could do without the chain letters (via email and text), invitations to Farmville, request for money, and reprimand for being busy but not elusive.

Regardless, I say thank you for being a friend…

Travel down the road and back again.
Your heart is true, you're a pal and a confidant.
And if you threw a party, invited everyone you knew.
You would see the biggest gift would be from me and the card attached would say,
Thank you for being a friend.

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