Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Government Shutdown

This blog is not going to be what you think. I'm not going to detail my outrage, disappointment or general disdain for the current state of government affairs. I'm not going to party blame or point political fingers. I'm also not going to complain (too much) because there are people in far worse situations. What I am going to cover is what this unpaid leave of absence from work means to me! 

So you wake and find yourself a government employee (yes that happened) then after years of service you wake up one day and find that you have some unexpected free time (i.e. an unpaid indefinite vacation) so what comes next.

1. Cooking - I stress cook so I made dinner last night. Although, I did have a slight panic attack while grocery shopping because that cost money. I came to the conclusion that I probably shouldn't be spending but if I am going to be a contestant on Top Chef Furlough Masters i have to make sacrifices.  I roasted vegetables in the fancy way and made macaroni and cheese laced with cauliflower and strongly considered making cod fillet fish & chips! My mandolin was begging to be used and I obliged.

2. Trolling the Internet - yes I have been spending a large amount of time watching Netflix on my iPad but I have been equally as active on, E! News and CNN of course. I reconfirmed that the Internet is absolutely ridiculous.. I strongly suggest searching #shutdown and #governmentshutdown on twitter and then just let the laughter wash over you. 

3. Outrage - not just at the government shutdown but at the lack of substance on daytime TV. Seriously how do people watch TV from 10am - 3pm? There is nothing on but paternity testing (it is amazing how many people are unsure who fathered their children- public health we need you) I would rather spoon my eyes out or get acupuncture than watch daytime TV that is why # 2 of this list occurred.

4. Panic - I had that flash of panic at the news reports that this could go on for weeks. I'm fiscally responsible so a few days I can handle but a few weeks is a no go.  Don't they know this is the worst time ever!?!?! Aside from the fact that the holidays are coming, we are in the final stages of buying a house.  We can't pay our new mortgage, by furniture, move, or anything else we need to do without income.  We expected to be house poor, not unemployed poor.  *hyperventilating* 

5. Wine Affair - to ease the panic I have decided to develop a drinking problem, why not. I love wine, it loves me, and together we fight injustice. I'm pretty sure I can make a better budget on wine than Congress can! 

6. Prep for Scandal - I would never let anything including a government shutdown keep me from what is truly important this week, the return of Scandal.  Oh Olivia Pope, the government needs you now more than ever!!!!

7. Craft – I etched some glass today, labeled some bowls, played with my camera and took a trip to Michaels. They fun comes in waves and I have decided to channel my frustration in to productive energy.

8. Maid Service - Aside from the general fielding of phone calls and confirming that yes I have been impacted by the shutdown (YES I’m one of those 800,000 unpaid) I have been running errands, cleaning house, handling car maintenance and getting some other general house chores completed. I feel like I have been reenacting "The Help” but minus the fame and notoriety actresses often receive. I'm pretty sure I could NEVER be a stay-at-home mom.
This is just day 2, I’m sure I will find plenty of other mundane and inappropriate things to do if this foolishness continues!  Happy furlough days to us all!

photo from

Looking for a laugh...

Monday, August 26, 2013

VMAs Recap

After suffering through the MTV Video Music Awards last night I have officially decided to retire from viewer status. I think I have a successfully aged out of the MTV watching era and after what I witnessed on my TV screen last night I’m very ok with that. Since this was my last VMAs I would be remiss if I didn’t give a thorough report on the horrors I’ve seen (pointing out each tragic offense) , as well as, some of the high notes (I mean you JT). These are in random order J

1. Miley Cyrus Go Sit Down – aside from the fact that you are over compensating for years of having a Disney clean image (you are doing the most) your recent desire to embrace “hip hop” culture is embarrassing! Stop twerking, stop putting in grills, stop sticking out your tongue, stop celebrating strippers, stop wearing swim suits as everyday clothes, stop stop stop! Just marry your hot boyfriend and evaporate into the oblivion that is former child actor hell. Your VMAs everything was just bad! I want you to sit in a corner and think about what you did. 20 something rebellion only works if you aren’t rich! Just be yourself and go sit down somewhere far away from Robin Thicke.

2. Lady Gaga – all anyone can ever say is why? Great performance but weird as usual. I just want to know when flying nun cardboard chic became a thing!!! PS: We can see your ass

3. Pre-show OVERLOAD – aside from terrible audio the pre-show was just way to much. Instead of having 4 different people in 4 different places on the bizarre crossroads style red carpet. Just hire one “PDiddy” an ultimate hype man that could do the job of all those people for your entire pre-show.  We didn’t need an hour of watching people arrive, or the teeny-bopper performances, or the awkward interviews, or the endless watch the VMAs commercials… I would have been better off with one guy holding one mic  in a studio drawing doodles on a dry erase board.

4. Not having a Host (Bad Idea) – Instead of giving us the chance to have some guided entertainment you threw Kevin Hart in there at random moments. Did you lose funding MTV, were you unable to pay an actual person a full time salary for hosting the show? I needed less pre-show and more facilitation.

5. Sssshhhh Taylor Swift – we know you like music like us regular people but you are not a regular person so calm allllllll the way down. Be less weird, be less annoying, stop trying to be teenage Taylor and work on adult 22something Taylor (for our sake and the sake of all your future adult boyfriends).

6. Kayne the Dancing Man – I know you are have been wayward for a while. I know you just had a baby. I know you couldn’t possibly believe you should be categorized as or on the same level as Jesus (this is more of a hope). What I didn’t know is that you could dance with the grace of prima ballerina.  Kudos on having Jordan Catalano (aka Jared Leto) introduce you but that performance was lack luster and just plain depressing.

7. Presenter Pairings (Odd –couple) - there were only a handful of co-presenters at the VMAs! We know you wouldn’t otherwise spend time together but I just wanted to point out the most noticeable awkward pairing of the night: A$AP Rocky and Jason Collins! That was painful and apparently all parties were not informed of the subject matter! LOL

8. Best Video with a Social Message – MTV you are a network that let Miley Cyrus run wild, celebrates teenage pregnancy, and capitalizes on the dysfunction of drunken-disorderly adults. With that said this category is somewhat the opposite of your programing choices and it made me pause! What exactly is your own social message? Based on what I have seen it isn’t diversity, or education, or positive encouragement but leans more toward the "be bat shit crazy cause you can be famous" side of the spectrum. #confused

9. Audience Pan (Didn’t pan out) - apparently the only people that attended the VMAs were Taylor Swift + BFF Selena Gomez, Will Smith and his crazy dressed kids, and angry face Rihanna. Based on the obscene number of times we were subjected to their reactions one can only assume they were the only people in the audience! PS: Jay-Z where were you????

10. A few other random points before I praise Timberlake!!!!!
  • Lil Kim- we want your old face back!
  • Drake (I feel so Drake about you right now)
  • Austin Mahone – we all know you are just waiting for Justin Beiber to go to rehab so you can take his spot on the teenage heartthrob shelf. Watch out for Selena Gomez and good luck with your driver’s license test because you can’t be old enough to have that yet.
  • Who were half of the people on the stage because I had no clue
  • Why did Macklemore win best Hip Hop Video?
  • Bruno Mars you are amazing! Good JOB!!!!!
  • JC you are lucky they didn’t turn off your mic after that post performance ad lib (know your role)

Ode to Timberlake…

I know this post has gotten rather long but I can’t leave without talking about the best thing since VMA sliced bread! JUSTIN you were amazing! Aside from taking me down your musical memory lane and reuniting with Nsync you killed it. Singing, dancing, and full entertainment!!! Your performance made the rest of the show look like a middle school musical production of Cats.  Aside from having 25 minutes of glorious air time, you performed the ultimate greatest hits medley and made it look easy. THANK YOU for all that you did on the VMAs and all you have contributed to music. That was hands down the best performance and event of the evening. I wish the rest of the show would have lived up to the caliber of your performance.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Birthday Week (30 for 30)

It is my birthday week!!!!! I’m turning 30 y’all! I’m super excited to move into the next chapter of my life. Let’s be honest, your twenties really stalls out at 25; those last 5 years are really just transition birthdays designed to help build anxiety towards the next decade of your life.   Well it didn’t work Mother Nature! I’m in love with being 30 already! I’m tired of the dirty looks and ageism in the work place. I feel the same (minus a creaky knee) so all those lies about my body burning out can wait until I’m 35! I’m ready to leave the poverty of my twenties for the pseudo-poverty of a home-owning 30 something! Bring it on LIFE!

Many of you know I decided to do a 30 for 30 celebration this year! And it was hands down the best decision I have ever made! Birthday parties without the stress or decision making! Time with loved ones and alcohol is a great combination (at any age over 21 of course).  So this week expect some reflecting, obnoxiously happy posting, a ton of picture taking, random birthday tweeting, diet breaking, celebrating and so much more!

Random Thoughts for the Day:
  • I started a reading list I hope I can actually stick to! It is time to get back to being the book worm that I used to be!
  • My hair is going to change so be prepared, well not too prepared because I don’t do massive upheaval because I like consistency.
  • I should have requested my birthday off; instead I will be at work wishing I was sleeping.
  • The gym is calling my name (30 and flabby is just not a good look)!
  • Eat less chocolate (or more depending on what day of the week you catch me)!
  • Celebrate all life moments!
  • I need to re-organize my craft cart!
  • Let there be cake!!!
  • I really had a great time at the concert this weekend! Thank you KB!!!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

New Look

Over the next few weeks I'm going to be playing around with some new features and templates on this blog! It was time to give Random Ramblings a face lift.  We all know it never hurts to touch up the face a bit (unless you are a Real Housewife, in your case just stop)!

Right now we are trying out a little Robot love. Although pink is my least favorite color, my love of nerdy cuteness outweighs that dislike. We shall see what else I can come up with as time passes! 

PS: I just want to welcome football back into my life!!!!! I missed you! 

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

10 minute 10 (Early Bird is Late with Posting)

Hey gang! I’m doing a 10 minute 10 today because it has just been so long!!!! I know better than to go too many days but so much has been going on. I would say it won’t happen again but we all know that isn’t true. Here is what you have missed since our last episode…
  1. Nephew + Auntie = Love – the cutest boy on the block has arrived; sparing you all the messy details just know he is living life and doing fine!  Baby Aiden aka The Rock/ aka Tank/ aka Lil Dude is here to stay!  I just wanted to give him a shout out cause he is awesome, handsome, adorable, and destined for greatness. #auntielovesyou
  2. House Hunting (OMG) – the search is on (it may not be continuing pending an offer). We looked at several properties over the last few weeks and it looks like we are pretty solid on the Smyrna area. KB get the wine ready!!! This process has been quite entertaining and a bit overrated.
  3. Eating my Feelings – I have been on quite the binge eating kick (don’t judge me).  Using chocolate and candy as my crutch! I’m ok with it, so should you be! For those wondering I’m still walking a few times a week and getting in basic workouts to prevent myself from putting on too much extra weight.
  4. Nice Words – everybody loves them. They make all the difference and I wish more people used nice words instead of the alternative. ALL compliments or positive thoughts appreciated, accepted, and welcome at any time. It’s the simple things that brighten your day.
  5. Photo Challenge – I decided I bought a fancy camera so now it is time to make better use of it.  I'm going to participate in a photo challenge and see what shakes free. I’m not a photographer but give me a few months and I might be…
  6. Time (free but priceless) – I need more hours in my day. I feel like I’m behind on some many things I want to be doing at work and in life.  I need more time but I have been so tired making it difficult to be as involved as I would like. I hope the next 4 weeks of having a compressed-schedule will give me some extra time to get to the fun things I want to do.
  7. Birthday Bash- too many of my friends are Leos. Although fabulous (I love you all) there are just too many birthdays to help with, creating my current conundrum where I have helped plan 3 birthday parties in 3 weeks but not planned my own. My birthday is in 20 days I guess I should take stock in the fact that if we buy this house we won’t have any money to do anything for my birthday anyway. I will settle for lunch (but apparently not the day off I have meetings to go to). #poor30 #firstworldproblems #teamleo
  8. No Wedding Date – people keep asking apparently they haven’t read Long Engagement. For those that keep asking, if you want to make monetary contributions feel free (as it would help us solidify a date). Sorry to disappoint we still don’t have a date and no I’m not sure when we will!
  9. Dogs, Babies, Rain – this pretty much sums up my last 3 weeks! I thought it would be a good idea to agree to dogsit and babysit at the same time. To my surprise it went fairly well and wasn’t nearly as chaotic as one would have expected. However, I did realize is that rain throws a monkey wrench into that false sense of security.  It has been raining here for what seems like the entire month of July. Give it a break Mother Nature we want to play outside! I have also decided this marketing push for Phone, Keys, Gum is forever going to be replaced in my mind as Dogs, Babies, Rain! 
  10. Current Events – there are quite a few current events (I’m talking Trayvon Martin) that I have limited my comments on. Why you ask? Because my comments are just opinions (words). What matters is how I plan to take action. I don’t often rant and rave about injustice because other people will do that just fine.  I'm from the school of don’t talk about it, be about it! So that is what I'm going to do...i will say this education is very very important and there is more to focus on here than race!!! PS: The Royal Baby is not news worthy. 

I hope everyone has a wonderful work week! 

Friday, June 28, 2013

5 minute 5 {Exhausted}

You know the drill by now people; this is my five minute five random thoughts. Here is some of what happens to be on my mind right now (no judgment).

1. Aaron Hernandez you are an idiot and apparently a gangsta thug killer.  Points that come to mind include be smarter, why waste your talent and ruin your money, and thank God you went to FL.  I’m not surprised but in part I really am surprised. Epic Fail!!!!!!
2. I can’t watch the Trayvon Martin news coverage. I just can’t.
3. Nobody cares about Paula Deen losing sponsors except the people that don’t know any better. This apology tour she is going on is a bit of a train wreck I’m just tired of hearing about it. Furthermore, I hope it opens up some real dialogue about the institutional nature of racism and the very real challenges that exist because of ignorant mindsets…but this is America so I know that will not be the case. *Le Sigh*
4. Power Naps should be allowed at work. In fact they should be mandated. I am so tired right now I could probably fall asleep standing up. With all the painting, moving, arguing, cleaning, shopping, lunching and crafting I have been doing this week I’m a bit tired.
5. Water damage in my apartment again!!!!! 2 floors above me a couple move out, took their washing machine but left the water on…what happens next involves water dripping from my ceiling, me visiting the leasing office 2 times, making countless phone calls and having contractors assess damage.  I’m OVER YOU LENOX HILLS!!!!

Oh and this was on my mind also…

Friday, June 21, 2013

5 Minute 5 (Fun Friday)

I’m almost ready to kick off my weekend and thought it would be a great idea to share my 5 minute 5. My randomness knows no bounds!

  1. Verizon, NO NO – I am still reeling from my disgruntled morning interactions with Verizon’s  buckhead store. This is the third time in 3 weeks I have had to call them about something they messed up with my recent phone purchase.  First they didn’t give me my rebate instructions, then they changed my bill plan in such a way that it put me over my minutes and charged me extra money, today it was my rebate denial because they didn’t provide me with the correct receipt.  I despise you  right now and as a loyal customer for over 10 years today was the first day I actually reconsidered that decision.  And NO I don’t want to buy a tablet from you!!!!!!
  2. Hungry like the Wolf – a last minute meeting prevented me from making it to the cafeteria before they closed so I haven’t had lunch. A hungry LC is not a happy LC (in case anybody was wondering). I could eat a hamburger right now which is big since I sort of gave up beef.  Duran Duran, why is the wolf hungry? Shouldn’t he eat? Did he miss lunch because the pack needed additional information about something they already knew the answer too?
  3. World War Z – I plan to see that. That is really all I have to say about it.
  4. Operation Get Shit Done – projects really do make me happy but in light of the fact that the working world only gives me 3 day weekends on special holidays my time will be stretched thin this weekend. Painting, building, crafting, moving, movie watching (see #3) and visiting all crammed into 2 days. I’m going to need a weekend to recover from my weekend.  Whew !!!!
  5. Social Twerking – yes I have seen the Stevie TV clip and yes I think it is hilarious. I have also been reminding those closest to me that I can quit my twerking at any time.  I only do it socially!!!!!!! MUAHHAHAHAHA J

Happy Friday!
Happy First Day of Summer!
Happy 5 Minute 5!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Eventful Bliss: Father's Day Love

Eventful Bliss: Father's Day Love: Happy Father’s Day to all of the dad’s celebrating today.  It would not be a true father’s day if I didn’t say thank you to the man...

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

GEICO you are hilarious

I have been laughing my butt off at the more recent +GEICO Insurance commercials. Whoever is in charge of the “Happier Than” ad/marketing account this season has hit my funny bone. Kudos to you, kudos to you!  Why am I writing about this you may ask…well because it’s funny to me.  The radio (thank you +The Bert Show you introduced me to the Hump day spot on my way into work this morning. 

Here are some of my favorites…Happy Hump Day folks!

Hump Day

Night Vision
Witches and Brooms

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Open Letters {post vacation rambling}

My vacation has ended but I have a few things to get off my chest. I wrote a few open letters to the things on my mind and heart this morning…

Dear Punta Cana,
I am back stateside and into day 2 of being back at work. I miss you Dominican Republic (not the lack of wifi but the beach).  Can I go back on vacation? Is it possible for me to climb into someone’s suitcase with an oxygen mask and a pillow?  Reality is not nearly as much fun as the dancing, drinking, and relaxing that occurred this past weekend. - LC


Dear 8 pounds I gained from vacation overeating,
I hate you! I want you to go away without me having to work out or eat right! Can’t you just evaporate into the abyss and leave me alone. The extra giggle and wiggle is unnecessary and cruel if you ask me! F -You!!! This heartburn you brought can kick rocks too! - LC


Dear Samsung Galaxy S4,
You are the best phone I have ever had. I love you more than life itself and I want to commit to living together (at least for the next 2 years). If you take care of me, I will take care of you. Case, screen protectors, blackberry sacrifices; whatever you want I agree to do.  Team work makes the dream work baby and together we will change the world. - LC


Dear Kitchen Sink,
Yes I mean you my actual kitchen sink. Now is not the time to spring a leak. I need you to stop pouring water in the cabinet underneath you! That doesn’t work for me or the wood at all.  It’s messy and inconvenient plus I really want to wash my dishes from last night’s dinner. I hope the maintenance man sets you straight and that you really think about what you have done so we don’t have a repeat of this incident. Learn from the bathtub (get right or get gutted)! -LC

Vacation LC

best phone EVER!!!!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

5 minute 5 {Holiday Approaches}

It just hit me that this is a long weekend  (civil servitude means holidays off)! The excitement level associated with the realization of this fact is very high.  I decided to share five things I am going to do over the course of the weekend.
  1. Dinner party - dining with some of my favorites (some folks are actually celebrating birthdays and graduations (i.e. Nita, Kels, Megs)!
  2. Shopping – yeah so I leave for vacation in 9 days and all I really have at this point is one bathing suit that kinda fits and a ton of sun dresses. I am not ready for tropical weather and I don’t have a book picked out for the plane. Gap we have a date on Memorial Day, try to have a sale!
  3. Packing – did you read the part where I said vacation in 9 days?!
  4. Sweating – summer is creeping in with a vengeance. IT is supposed to be in the 80s this holiday weekend every fan I own will be on overdrive. My AC isn’t allowed on until late June (I’m a frugal weirdo like that).
  5. Grillin and Chillin – it is Memorial Day so I need to get my cook and relaxation on. There will be grillin, there will be chillin, there won’t be Bobby Flay (which makes me sad).
Photo Credit: © Patrimonio | Dreamstime Stock Photos & Stock Free Images

*what I wont be doing is riding a bike while carrying a flag!
Happy Tuesday (aka 3 more days until this weekend can begin day )!!!!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Family Matters

The past few days my family has been spinning as we have been dealing with a life game changer. As we move forward with decision making and overcome the challenges of what is coming, I have been reminded of the importance of family and the support it brings.

As I look forward to my wedding and the life that awaits me when I start my own family, I forgot what it means to really come together in a time of catastrophe. All the blessings going on in my life caused a temporary loss of sight for what it means to be a part of something bigger than myself; a whole bigger than the sum of its parts.

Family is a just that, a group of people bound by blood and heart working together for a common goal. A team of people likely to have never crossed paths if it wasn’t for fate and DNA sharing and building a legacy. We may have injured players or weak links but together we are strong. Together we provide support, strength, and love to each other.

I have a family of survivors and we will continue to do just that, no matter what the challenge. We are fortunate to have each other, even if we don’t always appreciate or understand that fact. Cordiers, Moores, Fells, Wards, and so many more have come together by birthright or marriage, or good ole fashion faith and we have created a network of believers, supporters, helpers, and providers. We created a FAMILY. And as we move forward we will need to rely on that community. We will need to keep building and expanding that so that what remains is a heritage, an inheritance of love and laughter that will live until the end of time (generation to generation).

We all go through hardships, we all share blessings, we all strive for something to be proud of but sometimes we forget that we are born with that; a last name that means something, relationships that withstand fire and ice, a community of people that want nothing more than our happiness and success.

So I am more than myself, more than the sum of my immediate parts, I’m a part of something much bigger than myself, a family! A family that I continue to be proud of, one that I continue to support; a legacy for which I hope to contribute my best self.

We may not always like each other, or comprehend, or agree but we will always have each other and love each other and that counts for something that I can’t honestly put into words.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Monday Morning Musing

Happy Monday peeps! I trust everyone had a great weekend, if not that sucks and I’m sorry. Today is a new day and I am feeling rested and ready to take on the week. With my Luna bar in hand I decided to recap my weekend warrior antics.
  • No I did not go to the Sweet Auburn festival and yes I am slightly bummed about that.
  • Yes I did spend a great deal of time at Hobby Lobby and that makes me an old lady and I am not ashamed.
  • My bestie started her move to Florida
  • International travel can be a nightmare but it brought my Kels back to me, to me…
  • A special lady I know on crutches is now on my girls’ movie night summer activity list
  • Dinner party, Dinner Party, Dinner party…planning
  • The apartment above mine is leaking water (flashback to last year and the nightmare that caused).
  • Glitter and tripods (they go together, you will see).
  • Countdown to vacation is at 17 days!!!!
  • Mother’s Day was celebrated! All the moms out there making the world a better place are pretty awesome!!
Have a great day!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Viva vacaciones!

The only thing on my mind on this “the busiest day for no reason” is my upcoming vacation.  I am going to the Dominican Republic in t-minus 23 days! I’m ready to dip my toes in the ocean, play in the sand, and party it up with friends.  I plan to leave my crappy blackberry in the hotel, grab my bikini and do absolutely nothing for 4 days.

It cannot come fast enough people!  I have so much to do in preparation for this trip and the events upcoming this month. All the crazy likes to happen when you are gearing up to relax. But the joke is on you month of MAY, my joy will not be impeded.  I will not fall victim to the crazy, I will get it all done and I will not care about it [sometimes you have to tell the month whose boss].

I’m getting in shape slowly but surely. I still have 2.5 more weeks to get my life and my abs together. I'm not exactly stocked up on necessary supplies and resources for international travel but my passport is ready and that is the most important thing.

What I don’t appreciate is you Mother Nature and all this rain and cold weather. I still have to shop for warm climates and this cold is making it difficult to imagine; plus it is just really annoying.

Vacation is a gift from the heavens that I am ready to accept and appreciate. Viva la vacaciones.
Who doesn't love balloons and ocean air?!
© Sundikova | Dreamstime Stock Photos & Stock Free Images

Friday, May 3, 2013

5 minute 5 {Foggy Friday)

As I eat my morning breakfast (oatmeal) here are just 5 of the things running through my mind this morning:
  • Why is the weather so drab today?  The rain and clouds are really putting a damper on my morning. It is really difficult to get out of bed and come to work when the weather is telling me it’s ok to sleep. Plus it is supposed to rain alllllll weekend. Damn you Mother Nature, you cruel wench.
  • I need a laptop or a stylus pen for my ipad (one or the other). Those things would make my day better.
  • This summer I really need to travel and visit the people I love! Ladies I am making summer rounds! I need to plan an annual girl’s trip (with wine, lots of wine).
  • Joannne Chesimard added to the FBIs most wanted list … 40 years after the fact. She is the first woman and she is black -- no coincidence. Since when did killing one person or escaping prison make you a “terrorist”? I am sad for the victim and for Chesimard but want to point out that the 70s was a different time and I feel like in an age where real terrorist are committing crimes of mass destruction federal and local resources could be better spent. Good luck getting Cuba to extradite her if you find her…pick your battles better law enforcement. I’m just saying…
  • Chris Kelly died a few days ago and it is so sad that it may be drug related. So many people are lost and it makes me sad.
I hope everyone has a good Friday!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Snake in the weeds

I am feeling some kind of way this morning about snakes in the weeds. We all know a few people that seem to work extra hard to make your life difficult or strive to knock your blessings.  Some people are selfish, unhappy, and envious of others (such is life).  I really dislike people that pretend to be on your team but are really lying in wait to throw you under the first bus they can.  

Reveal yourselves back stabbers; hell, wear a sign or something. I have been having a lot of conversations with people I trust and love recently about the authentic self. I strive to be me to everyone but I noticed that snakes aren’t honest with themselves or their “friends”.   You have to be real about your situation, your roles and responsibilities, and your outcomes. I don’t ask to know your business (you choose to share) and your inconsistency with storytelling lets me know a lot about the nature of your character.  I don’t care what you decide to do because the decisions you make are your own.  Stop lying to yourself and own your actions. Nothing good comes from being conniving and your tomfoolery is just that.    

Be careful who you associate with friends, my great aunt reminded me that snakes do what comes natural to them. God told us they were serpents and to beware because if given the chance, they will bite. At some point they will come across a Hawk or some other snake eating predator and will learn the error of their ways.  

So for the snakes out there please know this…
  • You don’t know me like you think you do. Don’t assume shit.
  • I’m at a point in my life where I can’t afford to lie to myself or others. 
  • I try to say what I mean and mean what I say (i.e. I don’t want to be bothered with you really means I don’t want to be bothered with you).
  • Stupidity is a self-inflicted condition and knowledge is the cure.
  • Forgiveness isn’t my strong suit so don’t push the envelope.  
  • I am non-discriminatory when it comes to my avoidance of people (I don’t talk to everyone equally), if you don’t like or that fact then leave me alone (no love lost, I promise).
  • I may need to use more tact in life but all in all I’m letting you know what you are getting (my sarcasm comes from a place of love; my harsh tone isn’t personal it’s me being direct).
  • Karma is a cruel and spiteful b*tch
  • Kindness is not weakness; it is saving your life. I’m not a killer but don’t push me! 

I hate snakes (you can't take my place you back stabbers)!

Monday, April 29, 2013

Fully Recovered Monday

My weekend was fabulous and chaotic all at the same time!  I saw some of my family from Mississippi on Friday and hung with my Grandma! Baby shower, bike races, and catching up with old friends kept me out until 1am on Saturday.  I forgot how early 1:00am used to be (my college days are definitely over).  The rain held out until I was on the highway and for that I’m thankful. Sunday was a bit of a wash because I had a migraine which kept me out of commission for an estimated 14 hours (so I was told).

This morning I’m feeling renewed, most likely because of the medication! I actually brought my gym clothes to work because I WILL work out this afternoon. I’m detoxing from this weekend (I had beef and alcohol – bad decisions I know), I have some blog posts lined up, a dinner party in the works, Cinco de Mayo plans are firm, I got to work early (let that statement marinate), and I might actually do some laundry and clean out my closet later.

That was a lofty list (I’m still riding the breakfast energy high)! All in all, I am feeling pretty great (minus the fact that my stomach is trying to kill me from the inside)!  It will not rain on my parade (figuratively – it is actually raining here in Atlanta)! I will not be discouraged! It will not be a bad day!

ME: Monday you have been conquered…how does it feel?

MONDAY: Warm and tingly (I think).

Have a great day folks!!! OH and Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Friday, April 26, 2013

5 minute 5 {Good News}

These are some random thoughts for the day and a quick recap of my week of greatness!!!!
  1. Congrats to Marlene and Keith of their recent engagement. I am so excited I could burst! Equally exciting was the fact that we celebrated with Jamaican food!
  2. More Good News -- Woke up to good news about a new job for my best friend. Congrats sweetie!!!! She is on the move and is coming to Florida. Not only is she closer but now I have a place to stay near the beach and a Florida resident to get me amusement park tickets! LC= 3, Life= 0
  3. Scandal!!!!! It does it to me every 2-3 weeks (we need to talk about this schedule for real). Huck got his swirl on (and has a son), Olivia is back on her Love-Hate-Sex grind with Fitz, Mellie is still a thorn in the side of all that is right and holy; and this secret killing machine dead poets society is up to no good! Scandal you are the only show I watch in real time (no DVR for you, your too important to me).
  4. I want to win something other than merit awards. I decided I really want to win a radio contest or the lottery. Something fun!! I was listening to a giveaway on my drive into work and decided it is time to try.  Show me the money!!!!
  5. Twilight is this weekend and I’m going to Athens, after this baby shower on Saturday! I’m infusing some fun and beer into my weekend. It better not rain on my parade and I need to charge my camera battery!
 Enjoy your Friday people (it is the only one you get this week)! 
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