Monday, August 26, 2013

VMAs Recap

After suffering through the MTV Video Music Awards last night I have officially decided to retire from viewer status. I think I have a successfully aged out of the MTV watching era and after what I witnessed on my TV screen last night I’m very ok with that. Since this was my last VMAs I would be remiss if I didn’t give a thorough report on the horrors I’ve seen (pointing out each tragic offense) , as well as, some of the high notes (I mean you JT). These are in random order J

1. Miley Cyrus Go Sit Down – aside from the fact that you are over compensating for years of having a Disney clean image (you are doing the most) your recent desire to embrace “hip hop” culture is embarrassing! Stop twerking, stop putting in grills, stop sticking out your tongue, stop celebrating strippers, stop wearing swim suits as everyday clothes, stop stop stop! Just marry your hot boyfriend and evaporate into the oblivion that is former child actor hell. Your VMAs everything was just bad! I want you to sit in a corner and think about what you did. 20 something rebellion only works if you aren’t rich! Just be yourself and go sit down somewhere far away from Robin Thicke.

2. Lady Gaga – all anyone can ever say is why? Great performance but weird as usual. I just want to know when flying nun cardboard chic became a thing!!! PS: We can see your ass

3. Pre-show OVERLOAD – aside from terrible audio the pre-show was just way to much. Instead of having 4 different people in 4 different places on the bizarre crossroads style red carpet. Just hire one “PDiddy” an ultimate hype man that could do the job of all those people for your entire pre-show.  We didn’t need an hour of watching people arrive, or the teeny-bopper performances, or the awkward interviews, or the endless watch the VMAs commercials… I would have been better off with one guy holding one mic  in a studio drawing doodles on a dry erase board.

4. Not having a Host (Bad Idea) – Instead of giving us the chance to have some guided entertainment you threw Kevin Hart in there at random moments. Did you lose funding MTV, were you unable to pay an actual person a full time salary for hosting the show? I needed less pre-show and more facilitation.

5. Sssshhhh Taylor Swift – we know you like music like us regular people but you are not a regular person so calm allllllll the way down. Be less weird, be less annoying, stop trying to be teenage Taylor and work on adult 22something Taylor (for our sake and the sake of all your future adult boyfriends).

6. Kayne the Dancing Man – I know you are have been wayward for a while. I know you just had a baby. I know you couldn’t possibly believe you should be categorized as or on the same level as Jesus (this is more of a hope). What I didn’t know is that you could dance with the grace of prima ballerina.  Kudos on having Jordan Catalano (aka Jared Leto) introduce you but that performance was lack luster and just plain depressing.

7. Presenter Pairings (Odd –couple) - there were only a handful of co-presenters at the VMAs! We know you wouldn’t otherwise spend time together but I just wanted to point out the most noticeable awkward pairing of the night: A$AP Rocky and Jason Collins! That was painful and apparently all parties were not informed of the subject matter! LOL

8. Best Video with a Social Message – MTV you are a network that let Miley Cyrus run wild, celebrates teenage pregnancy, and capitalizes on the dysfunction of drunken-disorderly adults. With that said this category is somewhat the opposite of your programing choices and it made me pause! What exactly is your own social message? Based on what I have seen it isn’t diversity, or education, or positive encouragement but leans more toward the "be bat shit crazy cause you can be famous" side of the spectrum. #confused

9. Audience Pan (Didn’t pan out) - apparently the only people that attended the VMAs were Taylor Swift + BFF Selena Gomez, Will Smith and his crazy dressed kids, and angry face Rihanna. Based on the obscene number of times we were subjected to their reactions one can only assume they were the only people in the audience! PS: Jay-Z where were you????

10. A few other random points before I praise Timberlake!!!!!
  • Lil Kim- we want your old face back!
  • Drake (I feel so Drake about you right now)
  • Austin Mahone – we all know you are just waiting for Justin Beiber to go to rehab so you can take his spot on the teenage heartthrob shelf. Watch out for Selena Gomez and good luck with your driver’s license test because you can’t be old enough to have that yet.
  • Who were half of the people on the stage because I had no clue
  • Why did Macklemore win best Hip Hop Video?
  • Bruno Mars you are amazing! Good JOB!!!!!
  • JC you are lucky they didn’t turn off your mic after that post performance ad lib (know your role)

Ode to Timberlake…

I know this post has gotten rather long but I can’t leave without talking about the best thing since VMA sliced bread! JUSTIN you were amazing! Aside from taking me down your musical memory lane and reuniting with Nsync you killed it. Singing, dancing, and full entertainment!!! Your performance made the rest of the show look like a middle school musical production of Cats.  Aside from having 25 minutes of glorious air time, you performed the ultimate greatest hits medley and made it look easy. THANK YOU for all that you did on the VMAs and all you have contributed to music. That was hands down the best performance and event of the evening. I wish the rest of the show would have lived up to the caliber of your performance.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Birthday Week (30 for 30)

It is my birthday week!!!!! I’m turning 30 y’all! I’m super excited to move into the next chapter of my life. Let’s be honest, your twenties really stalls out at 25; those last 5 years are really just transition birthdays designed to help build anxiety towards the next decade of your life.   Well it didn’t work Mother Nature! I’m in love with being 30 already! I’m tired of the dirty looks and ageism in the work place. I feel the same (minus a creaky knee) so all those lies about my body burning out can wait until I’m 35! I’m ready to leave the poverty of my twenties for the pseudo-poverty of a home-owning 30 something! Bring it on LIFE!

Many of you know I decided to do a 30 for 30 celebration this year! And it was hands down the best decision I have ever made! Birthday parties without the stress or decision making! Time with loved ones and alcohol is a great combination (at any age over 21 of course).  So this week expect some reflecting, obnoxiously happy posting, a ton of picture taking, random birthday tweeting, diet breaking, celebrating and so much more!

Random Thoughts for the Day:
  • I started a reading list I hope I can actually stick to! It is time to get back to being the book worm that I used to be!
  • My hair is going to change so be prepared, well not too prepared because I don’t do massive upheaval because I like consistency.
  • I should have requested my birthday off; instead I will be at work wishing I was sleeping.
  • The gym is calling my name (30 and flabby is just not a good look)!
  • Eat less chocolate (or more depending on what day of the week you catch me)!
  • Celebrate all life moments!
  • I need to re-organize my craft cart!
  • Let there be cake!!!
  • I really had a great time at the concert this weekend! Thank you KB!!!