Monday, April 29, 2013

Fully Recovered Monday

My weekend was fabulous and chaotic all at the same time!  I saw some of my family from Mississippi on Friday and hung with my Grandma! Baby shower, bike races, and catching up with old friends kept me out until 1am on Saturday.  I forgot how early 1:00am used to be (my college days are definitely over).  The rain held out until I was on the highway and for that I’m thankful. Sunday was a bit of a wash because I had a migraine which kept me out of commission for an estimated 14 hours (so I was told).

This morning I’m feeling renewed, most likely because of the medication! I actually brought my gym clothes to work because I WILL work out this afternoon. I’m detoxing from this weekend (I had beef and alcohol – bad decisions I know), I have some blog posts lined up, a dinner party in the works, Cinco de Mayo plans are firm, I got to work early (let that statement marinate), and I might actually do some laundry and clean out my closet later.

That was a lofty list (I’m still riding the breakfast energy high)! All in all, I am feeling pretty great (minus the fact that my stomach is trying to kill me from the inside)!  It will not rain on my parade (figuratively – it is actually raining here in Atlanta)! I will not be discouraged! It will not be a bad day!

ME: Monday you have been conquered…how does it feel?

MONDAY: Warm and tingly (I think).

Have a great day folks!!! OH and Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Friday, April 26, 2013

5 minute 5 {Good News}

These are some random thoughts for the day and a quick recap of my week of greatness!!!!
  1. Congrats to Marlene and Keith of their recent engagement. I am so excited I could burst! Equally exciting was the fact that we celebrated with Jamaican food!
  2. More Good News -- Woke up to good news about a new job for my best friend. Congrats sweetie!!!! She is on the move and is coming to Florida. Not only is she closer but now I have a place to stay near the beach and a Florida resident to get me amusement park tickets! LC= 3, Life= 0
  3. Scandal!!!!! It does it to me every 2-3 weeks (we need to talk about this schedule for real). Huck got his swirl on (and has a son), Olivia is back on her Love-Hate-Sex grind with Fitz, Mellie is still a thorn in the side of all that is right and holy; and this secret killing machine dead poets society is up to no good! Scandal you are the only show I watch in real time (no DVR for you, your too important to me).
  4. I want to win something other than merit awards. I decided I really want to win a radio contest or the lottery. Something fun!! I was listening to a giveaway on my drive into work and decided it is time to try.  Show me the money!!!!
  5. Twilight is this weekend and I’m going to Athens, after this baby shower on Saturday! I’m infusing some fun and beer into my weekend. It better not rain on my parade and I need to charge my camera battery!
 Enjoy your Friday people (it is the only one you get this week)! 
© Tombaky | Dreamstime Stock Photos & Stock Free Images

Monday, April 22, 2013

Medicated Vampire Dreams

It never fails that when I am on medication of any kind outside the scope of my regularly prescribed migraine of GI meds I have they CRAZIEST dreams!  I really need to start a medicine dream journal. I mentioned last week that I've  been sick and the docs prescribed me ear drops for an infection and a coughing syrup “sleep aid” for my disgustingly bad non-smokers cough.

Aside from keeping me awake (as opposed to helping me sleep) the medication is giving me some crazy syfy dreams.  I am just going to give you a taste of the mini movie I endured last night. Yes I wrote it like a script and yes I know lichens are from Underworld (don’t judge me damnit)!

INT. Downtown Louisiana
 (LC Bad ass vampire)
Louisiana Urban Jungle overrun by Swamps (organic plant life) in the year 2055.  Scene opens on a young African American vampire looking out the window of an abandoned office building at a swarm of vampire zombies eating the flesh of a newly turned decoy.

LC V.O. (voice over)
Look at them…vultures preying on the weak. When did my people become cannibals? How can one virus undo an entire species this way? I have got to find Remy and Ash, but how will I get back to the safe zone without being detected (PAUSE)
I will have to travel during daylight hours. It is the only way.

As the sun rise peaks through the buildings the zombie vampires scatter like cockroaches. Our protagonist makes her move, cloaked in curtains and covered from head to spiked boot toes.

INT. Hospital Setting
(LC Bad ass vampire)
Open on dusk our protagonist has found a blood bank and is trying to stock up for travel. Humans have all been captured for breeding, said for a few pockets of rebel fighters. Raiding blood banks is the easiest way to avoid viral infection and the risk of a live feed calling the attention of zombie vamps. LC hides under some weeping willows on what used to be a back street that is now over run by river waters. A pack of 3 zombies is up ahead feeding on what appears to be humans (most likely a vampire kill gone wrong). The trio is in tattered clothes and carriers the virus mark (blotchy decaying hives covering their entire body). So occupied with the fresh meat they don’t even see HER turn down the alley.

(WHISPER) Tthey are starting to expand their hunting zones; I have to cover more ground during the day. I’m going to need a boat. (HEARING a branch break in the wooded area to her left)
Get to higher ground LC. (Scaling a tree with speed and ease like a cat; she hits the tree tops to get a better view)

(PANIC) Shit it’s Lichen

Lichens are animalistic breed of shape shifting vampire that hunts everything including the zombie vamps. They live in the wilderness and are the ultimate predators, vicious and merciless. I haven’t fed so I can’t take this one on and survive.
I have to hope it doesn’t see me. I should climb down and try to hide in the water, that’s my best bet.


Lying in wait under the surface of the water as the current sends leaves floating by; she turns her head and just as the lichen spots her. 


SHE Flies out of the water as the Lichen begins pursuit, Swinging through tree branches trying to out run the hunter.  After a  mile she sees an end to the tree line and realizes she has to double back. Switching directions the Lichen continues to stay on her trail. She sees the zombie vamps finishing their kill and decides to use them as decoys.

(CALLING out to the Zombie vamps) HEY!!! Hey… fresh meat over here.

They aLL turn and see her; the Lichen pauses to assess the situation.

(Speaking to the Lichen) You have plenty of options here; you don’t want to eat me. See fresh blood, fresh kill… go play with your food.

The Lichen moves toward the zombie vampires and attacks

Now or never! R-u-n east, put some distance between you and the lichen before it gets bored with the easy meal. Stay in the urban jungle out of the woods, until you know it’s safe.


This has been a LeShaundra Cordier dream sequence [Book coming soon] © LeShaundra Cordier 

Photo Credit© Chrisharvey | Dreamstime Stock Photos & Stock Free Images

Friday, April 19, 2013

Worst Week Ever (2013 Edition)

I have been rather quiet this week on the blog front because I have been sick as a dog since last Friday. My body decided it wanted to make friends with illness and they have been shacking up ever since.  A lot has happened in the course of a week (including the fact that I am still sick).   I just wanted to take a moment to reflect on the worst week ever of 2013!

Boston - The Boston Bombing and the subsequent loss of life since it occurred are tragic and sad.  It is unfortunate that people feel the need to make statements by taking lives. Bombing a major event then going on a bomb throwing, shoot out, killing spree is cowardly and uncalled for!  What else is uncalled for is the level of extreme news coverage this is getting. The news was showing body parts and bloody victims on TV; shame on you news media for making this a spectator sport.  I am praying for the victims and the perpetrators (mainly because this manhunt is going to end in your death – Bostonians don’t play that – they shut down the city to look for you)

Texas – the fertilizer plant that exploded in flames on Wednesday is another tragedy and my hearts go out to the families of the victims.  It is just sad when things like this happen, especially in small towns. Our thoughts and prayers are with you Texas.

Ricin – Dear people of Mississippi get your crazies under control (as a lady born in Biloxi, MS I can say that). Why is it that after major tragedies (like Boston) people feel necessary to stir the pot?  Just stop! Furthermore why do crazy people get the full name reference, is this the public’s way of doing what every black mom in America does when their kid is making trouble…”Paul Kevin Curtis, if you send ricin to people you are going to federal jail – don’t make me pull off my belt”.
For information about this chemical agent visit

Flood waters - Record-setting rains in the Midwest are giving Mother Nature the award for “Most Likely to Ruin Travel Plans”. Who knows what she will do but I hear they are evacuating folks and suspended travel. Illinois is getting hit hard, so to my friends up that way be safe.

Gun laws – the debate rages on…no comment.

Illness – I am still sick! Doctors just put me on ear drops, cough medicine and antibiotics. This walking petri dish pushes forward.   I am never to sick to remember - RIP Grandpa (Love you and miss you always).

Have a great weekend friends…the worst week ever is hopefully coming to an end.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

5 minute 5 {Random Quickie}

These are some random thoughts for the day in no particular order with no particular logic:
  1.  Ratchet Monday has been reinstated and I am excited. It is a brief moment in time where I indulge in the guilty pleasure of terrible reality TV and reflect on how much better my life really is compared to the tomfoolery I see on TV. Thank you VH1 for the perspective, my wine is already in my hand!
  2. I am a fan of this new format of sharing a few of my prominent thoughts in brief.  Flash Gordon move over you are being replaced by a bad ass, super speedy, typing machine (aka a computer). I am fighting evil with random thoughts!
  3. If you want something done (not even just done right) sometimes you have to do it yourself!!!  Or so says my inner control freak.
  4. Does Smart Water make me smarter? I secretly (well publicly now) believe it does. I also don’t care what people say, it does have a taste and it is better than all the other waters I drink.  I heart you Smart Water and if people want to gift it to me just because I support that!
  5. How would our lives be different if Pinky and the Brain really did take over the world (it would probably ruin your day North Korea)? Genetically enhanced lab mice/ dictators probably don’t condone unapproved missile launches.  However, I suspect there would be a great deal of rioting in the streets and fighting over cheese rations; plus we would all be animated.  I really miss that show.

Have a great afternoon folks!  Special prayers to all the peeps recovering from health issues, injuries, and all things medically related. Get well soon and start your plot for World Domination!

A Pinky and the Brain Future!