Thursday, January 31, 2013


I was trying to figure out the hype about this new Volkswagen commercial. For the record, I don’t think it is racist and I do find it hilarious. A wa do yu…Calm down and have a red stripe mon for (for those that didn't laugh)!!!  While I was reliving some of Volkswagen's funny commercials  (i.e. kid Darth Vader, Unpimp Your Ride, Rocking out to Rush, Dog Strikes Back, and Vamonos) I stumbled upon a cool program and website they sponsor called The Fun Theory!   

It is a behavior change movement that is right up this psych major’s alley.  It was videos of people using fun to inspire a change in behavior. I first watched a video displaying a question: Can we get more people to take the stairs by making it more fun?

What comes next is something I would describe as pure simplistic genius. They turn a set of stairs (next to an escalator) in a public transportation/subway station into a fully functioning piano.

The prospect of endless boredom is a thought I occasionally have (especially at work).  Enlightenment inspires a better future. Fun is a method of positive reinforcement that encourages change and learning.  So this theory appeals to me on so many levels. So after that peaked my interest and I watched more videos on the website, I started thinking about what boring things I would like to spice up. Sure I could have thought about the greater good like they did; reducing obesity, clean living, saving lives, and preservation of the earth (something with purpose) but that wasn’t self-serving enough. I save enough lives, so I really focused my thoughts on what I wished was more fun, not trying to change a behavior. I just want to spice up my day. Here are some things I wish Fun Theory would tackle and suggestions for what would make them more fun for me.

  • Traffic Court – I see some type of criminal game of Clue.  They just read charges and you have to guess who did what. Or you could play Detective.  Have one person leave the room. Everyone else agrees to have something in common—and when the detective comes back, they have to guess what everyone has in common using yes or no questions only. People can give the detective clues and if they guess they get out of the ticket.
  • Standing in Line at the Post Office - I hate waiting to mail an oversized package or get a passport photo but a hybrid of Hopscotch and Cranium would make it more appealing. Every time you move a square in line it gives you an action, like skip to the front, stand on one foot, say your ABCs backwards, or something equally silly.  I would play, would you?
  • Doctor’s Waiting Room - setting up some kind of medicine bottle Plinko game might make that wait for my primary care provider pleasant.  Or maybe a musical chairs game where if you have all your insurance paperwork filled out, you rotate to the music and the one closest to the receptionist when they call next wins.  I would enjoy that (I always win at musical chairs).
  • Being on Hold (phone) – I think being able to turn my phone into a voice modifier while talking to operators would be awesome. I could change their voice into whatever makes me laugh (darth vader, helium balloon, 2 chainz, etc) and not be as angry when they are telling me stupid policies. Also if you would make the menu selections more creative that would be great (to hear me speak in pig latin press #1, for nothing but praise press #2, to speak to somebody nice press#3…)
  • Tax paperwork - if my tax paperwork could be on a words with friends board, I might actually pay attention to it.
  • Meetings - I think meetings should all be conducted like the newlywed game. Everybody gets a card and you have to guess what the person talking is going to say. The correct person gets to leave.  You could also do meeting taboo or charades so talking is limited and buzzwords are banned!  It would certainly make meetings more fun for me if I could limit people’s ability to speak!

This list could get really long but you get my point. Let's make fun theory happen!!! You know what dis room needs? A smile…Who wanna come wit I?”

Photo Credit:
© Theodor38 | Stock Free Images &Dreamstime Stock Photos

Visit  to see more videos! OR check out to see the Volkswagen commercial.  Laugh people, just laugh!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Back in Action

Apparently it is 2013! I think that's a fitting time for a comeback! I know I have been away too long but good things come to those who wait.

So much has happened since we parted ways and I'm not sure where to begin. I think I'm just going to hit the high points that way we are all on the same page!

Business - I'm a woman of the world and have started the adventure of becoming a business owner, event planner and regular jack of all trades! All I can say is I have learned a lot about myself and other people. I'm working my way through challenges and celebrating successes! Stay tuned people there will be plenty event planning, consulting, and writing for you to hear about.

Engagement - so I accepted an engagement ring over the Christmas holiday. Like 51% of Americans I am getting married. For better or worse is what they say but for the record getting engaged apparently means you also open yourself up to assumptions, unsolicited advice, opinions, and so much more than just congratulations and well wishes. You would think with so many people doing this every year it wouldn't be this big of a deal. All I can say is no we haven't picked a date, no we don't know where, when, or how. When I know I'll tell my family and those invited (in that order) other than that you'll just have to read the cliffs notes or follow me on twitter @LMcordier

House hunting- my blog has been full of complaints about apartment living. But now that I'm about to be a part of a 2 income household so that dream is on the verge of being a freakishly expensive reality! What is freakish is my excitement (not our budget...I still have sense)!

Hair today, gone tomorrow - this may not mean much to you but this past month my hair dresser of 18 years moved to Michigan. I am devastated (clearly as I am writing about it on my blog). Finding someone else I trust with my hair is going to be a challenge. I knew this day would come but I was hoping it would be when I was retiring to a nursing home and didn't care about my hair anymore. Lena King you will be missed my hair owes you a ton of gratitude! It will never swish the same...

Vacation - I am finally going on vacation this year. I was in need of a trip and a reason to workout so I decided to kill two birds with one stone. This year's vacation destination is Punta Cana, DR. My passport, bathing suit, and bikini body will be ready. I don't like using the f word without a French accent but this is in print form so I have no choice, yes my fiancée is planning to join me and we are going to party like unmarried rock stars!

My president has been inaugurated again...just let it marinate!

iPad apps – I found blogger for my ipad so I can now write from the comfort of my bed, coffee shops, doctor office waiting rooms, or any other place I deem necessary. This means you get my random thoughts as they are happening not after the fact. Get excited, seriously you should be excited!

Anti-Ruzzle - the new craze sweeping the mobile games nation is still on my no fly list. For now I'm just going to stick with games I know and can trust, at least until I run out of people to play. I'm good and have no desire to switch to the hottest trend. Me, Words With Friends, and Oregon trail are doing just fine.

Aside from a few thoughts on ESPN's attempts to be the Washington Post (just report sports and not Catfish scandals you created); the media's ridiculous obsession with lip-syncing by a woman who we know can sing (Beyoncé can buy America twice over so who cares); and the flu running wild because people are anti-vaccine (be sick if you want to), I think we are all caught up! I also think that was the longest sentence ever!!!!!

It is good to be back!