Friday, November 9, 2012

Career Change (What If Friday)

Happy “Long Weekend because of a Holiday” Friday! Today’s question from If (Questions for the Game of Life) is focused on jobs. For all of you with no plans this Veteran’s Day weekend, perhaps this will give you some food for thought! Get your applications ready...

Question:        If you could work for any corporation for which you don’t currently work, which would you choose?

Being much older and wiser now as an adult, I actually wouldn’t mind working for DreamWorks Animation. Why you ask?  We’ll let me tell you friends, I have a love for animation, production, and all things film. I also need a work environment which allows for creativity, team building, strong relationships, and great pay.  DreamWorks is a smaller company about 2100 employees with a CEO that sends daily emails to staff, creating that interpersonal high quality environment. They pull in over $785 million a year in revenue and salaries can be high; even interns can make up to $21 an hour! Employees rave about the relaxed atmosphere, free food and perks. Aside from the occasional long hours, it would be cool.  Too bad it’s only my second choice.

For those of you familiar with this blog you know I have a slight obsession with Google. So it should be of no surprise that it’s my ideal work place. All Google employees seem to really love their jobs and their work environment. I can’t decide at this time if that is forced propaganda, I mean do they sign some sort of waiver to always praise their employer?  We may never know, but from the outside it looks pretty awesome. Aside from the obvious bragging rights it appears the benefits and pay are legitimately great.  The atmosphere seems ideal and fun, who wouldn’t want that? I desire a work environment that allows us to dress as casually as possible, do fun work, and get paid the most! Google seems like it could provide that. I could work either in New York or California. Some of the known perks include food (fully stocked pantries), bocce ball courts, a bowling alley, and eyebrow shaping. What else does your world of possibilities hold Google? Let me in, hire me, I’m great! I would wash windows at Google if that was the only job I was qualified to do!

Too bad being a super hero doesn’t come associated with a corporation; otherwise I would be an employee of the Justice League.  One would assume their hazard pay is pretty significant.

Who would you work for if you could hand pick?

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