Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Tuesday

As a responsible citizen, this is my official PSA reminding you to get out and vote for your candidate of choice so we can finally put an end to all this election whoopla. I’m tired of hearing about it all and would love to go back to my regularly scheduled fall programming. Many of you super smart people early voted to avoid lines and bad weather. I on the other hand waited until Tuesday so I could experience the joy of voting on the designated day. By “joy” I clearly mean the rain, the confusing lines, and the elderly volunteers! Whatever your preference, I hope you exercised your right to have an impact and be involved in the government machine!  If you are on the fence about voting, I have come up with a few reasons why voting is great (the benefits if you will) that I hope will change your mind!

Stickers- much like going to the doctor when you were a kid, once you vote you get a very fun and not so cool sticker to put on display! Wear it on your chest and shame others into feeling bad about not voting. Use it as a tool of solidarity helping you bond with others! Add it to your collage of keepsakes! Either way it’s a prize you only get for voting!

Time Off – some states (not all) have legislation code that allows you to have designated time off for voting. In Georgia “Employees that give reasonable notice to their employers have two hours to vote in any election for which they are qualified to vote.” There is some fine print about your shift starting after polls open and ending before polls close, but that impacts very few. This means most of you have less time you are required to spend at work on election days! If I could time travel, I would have early voted and still took my two hours on Election Day (I know some of you did that, sneaky devils you).

Mister Roger’s Neighborhood - in the spirit of community, voting give you an opportunity to see and meet your actual neighbors and other individuals in your community. Sharing a polling precinct could mean finding love (match.com with a personal touch), networking with potential clients, or making a new friend. This morning I met a physician and college student. Both were very nice ladies!  Sometimes it’s good to exchange kind words with those in your local community. People watching can also be quite entertaining, especially with the early morning crowd. Besides, the entire experience can make you feel a part of something bigger than yourself; help you bond with people in the Ikea, herding cattle kind of way.

Move the Political Machine – aside from the general fulfilling of your civic duty associated with casting a ballot. Voting helps you become a part of a larger institution of dysfunction knows as democracy. We can’t all be actors on West Wing or Political Animals or Scandal so this is your way to have an impact! Be the change you want to see in the world. Give the Wars on Terror, Drugs, and Morality a reason to exist; don’t let those efforts perish in vain! Besides this is a government of the people, by the people, for the people and I know this because they have made yet another movie about Abraham Lincoln!

Party Like a Congressman – one of the best reasons to vote is the partying. Politicians and regular people alike know how to have a great time (win, lose, or draw).  Elections make a great excuse to get your party on. Some of the most creative and destructive drinking games are born at watch parties. I also have it on authority from the young people that sometimes your voting sticker can get you discounts and free entry into clubs and bars.  You see, being responsible can have benefits. Don’t get too White House wasted this evening.

Foursquare Badge of Honor – if you don’t vote how can you unlock the foursquare “I voted 2012” badge? It’s just un-American to not!

There are so many responsible and appropriate reasons to vote, proving your status as an adult; solidifying your patriotism; and making use of the Voting Rights Act of 1965.  I’m not going to carry on and on with election propaganda because that is what the news is for, I’m just here exercising my free speech as a black woman in America (CNN did a special on it you should check it out sometime).

Happy Tuesday Folks!

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