Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Peanut Butter Jelly Time

Late night conversations with friends lead to early morning despondent me, an exhausted and sleep deprived LC.  In my tired state this morning, all I can think about is a full body massage. Like many of the other suckers in the world I have a membership to Massage Envy.  I’m charged $50 or something like that a month for a one-hour massage that I never seem to use!

I feel a strong need to invest in a personal masseuse.  Male friends this is not an open invitation for you to offer your “services”. I want a trained professional, legitimate masseuse.   I need relaxation in my world right now. I have a ton going on (which is what I enjoy) but occasionally my “burn the candle at both ends” lifestyle can be exhausting.  I seriously just want someone to rub my muscles until they are putty.  I will probably forget this strong desire and not call Massage Envy and book my appointment, but I digress.

Moving on to my next thought; Friends are an important part of your personal sustainability. They are the culmination of energies you need to deal with trauma, celebrate milestones, and meander through this crazy journey called life.  Good friends are hard to find and keep these days but once you have friends that you can trust and depend on you are solid gold! Take care of the people in your life build them up, tell them the truth out of love, help them get rid of evidence, and help them get intoxicated when they are trying to forget.  Friends are important and there are some things real friends should do; yes I have spelled them out for you:

·         Adult friends know they can call you before 8am because you are headed to work (they also work)
·         College Friends are SEC fans (Go Dawgs)
·         Friends actually shop off your gift registry but still ask what you need
·         Friends answer the phone at 1:00am
·         Friends are invited to your milestones (Weddings, baby showers, End-of-Summer BBQs)
·         Friends are welcome around your family (parents, kids, spouses, etc)
·         Friends don’t let friends go to hell (think about it)
·         Friends don’t send chain letters, forwards, or phishing scams to your email (if this happens by mistake a real friend will call you and let you know not to open the email)
·         Friends don’t sleep with each other’s spouses or significant others
·         Friends have photos and secrets that they will gladly take to the grave (you have the same dirt on them, it’s only fair)
·         Friends help you get into spanx (only applies to females)
·         Friends help you pick a theme song (think Ally McBeal circa 1999)
·         Friends know how to reach you at work and never call unless it’s an emergency (i.e. engagement, cheating scandal, sickness, family issue, work complaint, etc)
·         Friends know where you live (because they probably helped you move)
·         Friends over 30 don’t ask you to borrow money
·         Friends pick you up from the airport not just the train station
·         Friends quote how long they have known you in years and/or incidents (the break-up of 2001; we go back to middle school; remember that time at band camp)
·         Friends talk you out of bad decisions or hold your hand despite them (No I told you so, just how can I help)
·         Friends understand and embody loyalty (pledge allegiance to our friendship)
·         Friends use Scoutmob or Groupon (to save you both money at dinner)
·         Friends use the phone or face-to-face interaction to wish you well (FB is for public display and people that don’t actually know your birthdate)
·         Good Friends tell you NO
·        Married/Involved Friends confirm your spouse/significant other is foolish/crazy *insert appropriate* adjective here but remind you that you love each other
·         Real Friends know what Ride or Die means!!!
·         Real Friends love you for you

I know they say people come and go into your life like seasons and that is often true of many friendships. As you get older the qualities you value in relationships and friends evolve.  The reason you build connections with people starts to become situationally dependent. No matter who and why just be sure that you value and nurture your friendships because they are important.

Real Friends stick together even when things get messy!

1 comment:

  1. Friends don’t let Friends join pregnancy packs! Thanks for that reminder :)
