Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Breakfast Banter

Good morning neighbors and friends.  Does anybody else miss Mr. Rogers (say that three times fast)?  Anyway, I have very little on my mind this morning maybe because my brain is fried or maybe because it hasn’t turned all the way on just yet.   My schedule is clearly off because of my second shift, but I am grateful for a job and the extra time in the morning to make turkey and spinach omelets for breakfast!  Yummy!  I love breakfast food!

This must be what its like for housewives and stay at home folks when you have that small window of time in the morning by yourself to accomplish the simple things that bring you joy (or help you survive the day).  It’s really the silence that you appreciate.  

As I'm eating my breakfast concoction, I realize I absolutely hate my work blackberry. I want to throw it across a room and watch it shatter into a million little annoying pieces. I bet you won’t vibrate then will you??? This week more than usual, it is buzzing and ringing just about every 10 minutes from 8:00am – 8:00pm.  In the last hour I have accrued 152 unread emails.  I can’t wait until Friday when this all stops!!!!!

I have moved on to my refreshing glass of fresh squeezed orange juice and I realized I don’t drink enough. I mean I’m good on alcohol consumption but during the day I really don’t drink a lot of liquids. I normally drink when I eat but since cutting back on sodas (go me) and refusing to pay $1.50 or more for bottled water, I am drinking a lot less these days.  Having this extra time in the morning means I can clean my water cup and take it with me to work. It also means prepping workout clothes, folding laundry, writing my blog, making doctors appointments, and sitting on hold with operators.

What is it with phone operators? “Can I put you on hold for just a second?” – if I say no are you going to keep me on the phone? Hell, half the time you put me on hold before I can even answer your question.  And while I'm thinking about it, just connect me to a manager because you can never help me accomplish what I need to anyway! Live a little call center staff get off script. Have a personality. Laugh at my jokes, you know you want to!  Something besides yelling has to break-up the monotony of your day. Put down the cocaine and pick up some comedy! I would recommend speaking in a different accent with every caller. Be French, Russian, Canadian...polite any of those would do! It might even be fun.  Give it a try!

I guess now is a good time to get ready for work.  Today’s blog had no structure or real purpose but neither did my morning. So there, no we’re even!

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