Thursday, September 27, 2012

Party of Flu

Flu season is upon us. Cover your cough and wash your hands folks, it’s the right thing to do! This morning in true civil service fashion, I received my flu shot. This year I had a choice of the traditional shot or the newer interstitial vaccine. What is the difference you ask…well one is into the muscle (long needle) and the other is not (short needle). I do officially recommend those that are needle phobic get the interstitial shot because it is relatively painless and the needle is barely visible.

What will be important about this blog is not my shot but my nurse.  What you don’t want to hear prior to sitting down is your nurse asking questions about how to administer or determine what is needed to administer shots.  A little unnerving but manageable. What was slightly unsettling is her lack of bedside manner. No matter how sweet, funny or nice you appear to be certain things are still inappropriate to say to patients.  Things you don’t want to hear your nurse say (which I heard this morning):

1) Its like riding a bike [giving shots]
2) Let’s go with the newer shot because I need the practice, and
3) Its ok you will be a great guinea pig.

Nurse Lady let me start by saying; it is not like riding a bike! Anybody with legs and arms can ride a bike. That is not the same of administering medication via needle. That is why you go to school and receive proper training and if it has been that long since you have given a shot perhaps we need to reevaluate.

I need to practice is never something you say out loud when holding a sharp object. That’s like wielding a knife or gun and saying “I’m getting better at this the more I use it”! We all know practice makes perfect but you never want to be the practice dummy for your medical professional (too much is at stake)! Guinea pig status is not what I want to be! Think about it guinea pigs are expendable, fury, creepy, bitey little rodents that run around on wheels and burrow in straw.  I don’t want to be that under any circumstances! I equate that phrase to medical research or high risk life threatening activities though up by college students and teenagers.  Unless I am getting paid for my ovaries or videotaped (so I a record for evidentiary purposes) never should I be a guinea pig!

I know so many amazing nurses but I was reminded today, just like any industry there are the novice and inexperienced. All-in-all, I am happy I got the flu shot and I am now prepared for flu season. Vaccines serve an important purpose in prevention and that is my personal and professional medical opinion. No I'm not a doctor but I play one on TV! I hope others experience greatness and get a flu shot! It gives you super powers people, the power to fight off influenza! Costume not included. 

Perhaps we should make flu season a national holiday give it an awareness month and kick it off with margaritas (just like Cinco de Mayo). Ain’t no party like an influenza party cause an influenza party don’t stop….

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