Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Business Time

The topic of the morning was business and the female super hero power of multitasking! We all know I like to stay busy. That might be an understatement; I love to over schedule and stay involved.  I like doing stuff (occupy my time and Wall Street). My creative side was feeling neglected recently and I decided to chase a few dreams. I started this blog, began working on my first web series (, and started event planning. I have also decided to DIY remodel my living and dining space. Call me Bob Vila because I’m about to get crafty with my Black & Decker drill and hammer!

Since I have been getting my black Martha Stewart on, I find that my creative juices are flowing! I’m excited about the business of getting down to business! I really do thrive on executing things, I love a finished product. The way it makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside; the joys of knowing my to do list is done! I am taking on a few new projects which allowed me to reflect on what I already do!

My morning discussion led to a talk about the inability of men (not all but some) to multitask or handle details. I feel like if they knew what really happens in a 24 hour period their minds would explode.  All the things men do in a day, I feel pale in comparison to the daily job of a woman.  Women (not all but some) often juggle a lot,  mainly household and professional hats. We may not always do it effortlessly but I think many men under appreciate the effort and intricate nature that goes into every task. 

Here is what a typical day looks like for me so you have a better understanding of the chaos:

·         Wake up- shower, dress, and personal hygiene. For some women this includes hair and make-up; we all know I only do hair and make-up when I have somewhere fancy to go! Dressing oneself is a big deal (don’t believe me, then take 20 minutes and visit a Walmart).

·         Breakfast - often a fleeting thought for me and is accomplished while driving (in transit eating is my lifestyle) or walking or parking. Thank you Go Go Squeeze and Luna Bars for those nifty prepackaged portions that serve as my breakfast.

·         Work Hours (8am – 4:30pm) – I have a full time job that requires writing, reading but no arithmetic. I have to field tons of email, sit in meetings, generate products, edit/review documents, and manage my day to day work requirements and the expectations that come along with it.

·         Lunch Time – is reserved for blogging, bill paying, and making appointments. It is also for errand running if necessary, friend check in, and online shopping. All that occurs unless I have a working lunch at which time those tasks are moved to dinner time.

·         After Work – immediately after is work out time (if I have the time to spare), or hair appointments, shopping returns, pharmacy pick-up, visiting the post office and other tasks that must be accomplished before the end of business hours.

·         Dinner – if I have time to make it, this means cooking, cleaning and house chores. It’s reading the mail, doing laundry, stacking clean clothes in a basket, listening to CNN headlines, and finding missing shoes (I misplace more than I care to admit). It is also the time that most people want to meet and greet. So this can be reserved for business dinners, work related events, or friend time catch up via phone.

·         Late evening (post 9pm) – I’m just walking in the door at this time on most days but it is reserved for catching up on pinterest, sending emails for my other work, talking to my long distance (non-Verizon network friends), checking my crops on Oregon Trail and making my move in Words With Friends.  It is also when I prepare for the next day of work or for other projects and google search my life away.

·         Sleep Time – often later than I want; this is when I wrap my hair and get on my ipad and try to figure out my schedule for the next day, what I am going to wear, what I need to add to my to do list and watch Netflix. Vampire Dairies Season 3 is my current guilty pleasure!!!!

All of that occurs daily. My mind moves about 60 miles a minute and I’m always preparing and mentally plotting what’s next.  I work my regular job while pulling together creative content for my part-time passions (film/video making) and party planning.  So that means my day is also riddled with forms, image verification, staff emails, product identification, supplies acquisition, document making, and so much more. It means dealing with clients and being attached at the hip to my crappy blackberry. It means dual monitors at work so I can toggle tasks and using hands free head-sets, so I can pretend to listen while I’m working on 52 other things.  Throw in supporting those in my life via advice, craft making, or gift buying. Then add a side of travel, avoiding pregnancy, fitness challenges, medical maintenance (not aesthetic), game nights, football season,  DVR catch up, hiding from awkwardly nosey neighbors, house hunting, facebook stalking, tweeting, and staying up-to-date on current events. With all that, I still plan dates, remember special occasions, engage in business time (bom chicka wa wa) and Facetime with a special someone!

I think most men would have a heart attack if they had to do all that in a month, let alone in a week or day and still manage relationships.  A sarcastic comment about chewing gum and walking at the same time immediately comes to mind. I believe in you men; this is not trying to diminish the wonderful things you do. It’s just to point out that multitasking and managing the details of a day aren’t a strength which is why we complement each other. We know the male approach is work “smarter not harder”. I feel like a woman’s approach is “work smarter since you already work harder”!   I mean, I personally do it all because I can; why not? You find a way to make it work. If it doesn’t work then you readjust and try again. 

I should be exhausted (sometimes I am) but I love it! I love the action and adventure part of my daily routine. I love making my thoughts reality and seeing my projects finalized (particularly in picture form so I can share with others). Just think what this will expand to once I throw kids in the mix.  I may require a straightjacket or a personal assistant. Either way we all know it will be chic properly adorned straightjacket or the best damn assistant multiple interviews and high standards can buy!

Slightly Related and Very Funny-

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