Friday, September 7, 2012

Vice President Who? (What If Friday)

Welcome to Friday people! As a result of the DNC that aired this week I have decided to pick a politically themed question from If (Questions for the Game of Life).

Question:        If you had to choose a single vice president in the history of the United States to become president who would you pick!

I was quite the history buff in my college days, mainly because I had several history classes and I was required to be knowledgeable about the subject for good grades.  Since I have replaced that information with song lyrics and laboratory facts, I’m at a slight disadvantage answering this question today. 

You clearly want a VP you are confident in and think would be an effective leader.  I'm not sure anyone prior to 1970 could effectively run the country as it stands today. I also have concerns that earlier VPs were super racists because those were the times and that is what they believed. So that eliminates most of the pool off the bat!  My choice is based slightly on political policies and affiliations, but mostly I took into account the things that stood out to me.  I tried to be mindful of VPs that went on to become presidents for whatever reason so I have eliminated them from the group also.  So that narrowed my choices down to a handful:

Spiro Agnew (1969 – 1973) – a Greek Democrat turned Republican this guy doesn’t receive my vote!  He was charged with extortion, tax fraud, bribery and conspiracy; which may be gangster in the streets but doesn’t bode well with citizens.  If my president is a law breaker, I want him to be smart enough to not get caught!  This guy had to resign because of criminal charges…No Bueno!  I know most politicians are of questionable morality but you can’t run the country while you are stealing from it!

Nelson Rockefeller (1974 – 1977) – Rockefellers are serious money making business! This one served across multiple administrations (Roosevelt, Truman, and Eisenhower) in various roles before becoming VP, so he has a wealth of knowledge about government workings. He was a lover of the arts and a New York Governor! He clearly wanted to be the president (multiple failed attempts) so there is a passion there that is endearing. The man donated his salary to federal education programs for inner city youth and programs teaching the arts! Plus any man that can live with his ex-wife and wife in the same building is  Gangsta!

Walter Mondale (1977 -1981) - Fritz served under Jimmy Carter and was a lawyer by trade. He made the VP more of an advisor position and has created a model that many were able to follow. He also nominated a woman as his running mate in 84’. As a senator he endorsed Hilary in 2008. Kudos Ambassador/Senator/Lawyer Mondale progression is always point worthy in my book!  You are truly a lover of women *wink*

Dan Quayle (1989 -1993) - a fickle and flighty pheasant! Quayle was unable to spell potato and he hated Murphy Brown…I’m not sure I need to say anything else.

Al Gore (1993 -2001) – He married a woman named Tipper (I’m just sayin)! This Harvard grad faced adversity when his 6 yr son was hit by a car and he did not run for president so he could be there for his family! He served under the national ace boon coon, Presidente Bill Clinton! If nothing else he is an environmentalist with some pretty cool friends!

Dick Cheney (2001 -2009) - taking 6 years to graduate college paid off for this chairman and CEO of Halliburton Company! A Secretary of Defense turned VP, Cheney temporarily served as acting President for 3 hours while Bush underwent a diagnostic procedure (colonoscopy); and again years later when Bush underwent another medical procedure. That removes him from this list. He would have otherwise been removed for the Iraq War, Scooter Libby, and shooting that guy in the face!

Joe Biden (2009 – present)- another lawyer by trade, Good Ole Joe is  catholic which I can respect! The story of his first wife and daughter dying in that car crash makes me tear up. He has certainly overcome adversity which gives him character! He comes from a long line of working folk and he was elected for VP and re-elected as Senator for Delaware (I like that he had a back-up plan just in case).  Practical Joe indeed!

With my choices before me, my selection and answer to this question is not Joe Biden, although he is a strong candidate. I have elected Al Gore and not because Clinton is cool! But because he invented the internet! And we all know how awesome the internet is so let’s go green together Al Gore!  Besides he won a Nobel Peace Prize,  makes documentaries, writes books, and wins Grammy’s what other VP is doing all that?  I chose you Al!!!!

I told you I would make a decision and it wasn’t based on political genius or foreign policy. Let’s be real, most Americans have no idea what it takes to hold political office or be the President of the United States. In true fashion, I made my decision based on the most random reasons known to man because I’m a political ne'er-do-well!  Happy Friday folks and if you have beef talk to a political analyst!  

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