Friday, October 19, 2012

Animal Kingdom (What If Friday)

It is FRIDAY! And as I am about to embark on a trip to the San Diego Zoo, I'm inspired to answer an animal question from the coffee table book If (Questions for the Game of Life). Enjoy the randomness people, let it wash all over you!

Question: If you were to spend the rest of your life in the company of a single type of animal, which would you choose?

Thre are so many animal types but I think my answer is pretty simple and encompasses all the things I would want in an animal companion. Those features include intelligence, hunting abilty, protection, and general coolness. I need an animal I can talk to and not feel crazy, that can understand and befriend. I need a an independent thinker, instinctive yet good at following direction. I'm looking for a carivore (vegetarians can be a bit preachy). So my forever animal type is Caniforms which include dog-like carnivores!

If you didn't know, I'm a dog person and if I had to spend the rest of my life with one animal that gets my vote. Dogs are great they can hunt, scavenge, sniff out drugs! Great for protection and good at riding your house of pests. Aside from the loyalty and long life span, dogs have personality, compassion, and just the right amount of understanding! You can talk to a dog and not feel crazy...ever tried talking to another animal like a fish or a hamster? It's weird people!  Besides, if I need medical care or get sick a dog will find help, remember Lassie she knew the Sheriff by name and had 911 on speed dial (Timmy was an active child)!

Caniforms covers a broad base and includes other animals like pandas, wolves, foxes, coyotes, bears, racoons, aardwolves and wolverines. The question implies one type of animal, not one individual species. So in theory, I could spend what I expect to be infinite years (making a deal with a vampire as we speak) domesticating and training wolves, coons, and foxes; I could be the black Jack Hanna!! I imagine it would be a lot like We Bought a Zoo but without Matt Damon or the tragic circumstances.

No matter how my life actually shapes up, no matter what the possibilities from life in the California hills to the chaos of suburgatory to international vacation homes (I dream big), there will be a dog or caniform of some kind by my side!

Happy Friday!

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