Thursday, October 4, 2012

Twilight Zone (Ghosts not Vampires)

We all know I prefer not to discuss politics so I won’t. I will say I watched the debates but what does that really mean in the grand scheme of things?  Today’s blog is going to address something that happened while I was sleeping last night and not related to politics at all.  I need to set the scene so you have a clear understanding of what went down!

After coming home from a serious meeting of the minds *insert laughter here* (the laughter is because it wasn’t serious but it was hysterical), I proceeded to go about the business of preparing for sleep. I was already tired but in true and nightly fashion I locked my door, slipped into sleepwear, turned off the lights (I have to sleep in complete darkness), and laid down.  I played on my iPad for a few moments, finalizing emails and catching up on (don’t judge me) then posting to Facebook. After all that was said and done my tired behind went to sleep.  Now, I overheat at night and have to sleep with my ceiling fan on; in order to keep it on I have to leave my light switch up and pull the cord to my light to turn off the light itself. I have to pull the light specific cord 3 times to get it to turn off (my overhead lighting has multiple settings). Now that you have background please know my light was turned off directly using the cord not the switch prior to me getting in the bed.

Around 1:00am or shortly thereafter I was jarred awake by my light coming on, All by Itself! My immediate thought was the switch wasn't down all the way.  Then I realized no no, my fan is on and I pulled the cord to turn off the light. Then I had the moment of living single panic when I thought perhaps someone was in my apartment playing mind tricks.  Cruel, unusual but unlikely without a spare set of keys (plus my deadbolt was locked). I got up checked my locks, my bathroom, and my closest but not under my bed because monsters live there. Nothing! I was in fact alone! So my next logical train of thought was to text the protector and try not to be freaked out! I also got up and pulled the cord (again) to turn the light off before getting back in the bed and panicking.

If Long Island Medium has taught me anything it’s that spirits love to talk to loud mouths and I totally qualify. So as I laid there I began to wonder what the hell? How did my light turn on, who is trying to talk to me? The last time something freaky happened like this I received a phone call with bad news.  Maybe something bad just happened. Then I started assessing my feelings, other than concerns for my safety, I didn’t feel threated or scared I was just tired and unwilling to look at my ceiling. 

After phone calls to explain the course of events later, my freaky feelings were confirmed by an external but reliable party (aka the protector). Under advisement, I checked my locks again, turned off my overhead fan (not just the light), flipped the switch to off and weighed my options.  Do I stay in the apartment with these ghostly activities, will something else happen, should I make a grilled cheese sandwich? I had decisions to make and I was hungry. Ultimately, I went back to sleep and promised to check in first thing in the morning.

Back asleep without issue and I had regular dreams and no incidents until about 5am. At that time the sound of a male’s voice talking out loud woke me up. Ignoring the previous "light" incident, I dismissed it because my windows were open and I occasionally here phone calls in progress outside. The strange part was that I went back to sleep and dreamed of a dark figure, in a suit and brimmed hat, observing me and trying to speak with me but in a threating sort of way. That woke me up before my alarm yet again!!!

I would eventually get up and get to the business of starting my work day, still freaked out by the events that occurred. I would love my blog to end here but this morning, I had a conversation with the protector that coached me through last night and he said that he was thinking of a dark figure, in a suit and wide brimmed hat after we got off the phone last night. He had a similar dream!!!! FREAKY!!!! Immediate chills!

I’m now convinced something is going on. I mean maybe I’m not being haunted by the ghost of Christmas past but I have seen enough scary movies to know when a spirit is reaching out from the other side or when a ghostly killer is trying to enact revenge. Seeing as how I haven’t pissed off any ghost killers lately, I’m going to go with something is trying to communicate. Sure you non-believers are going to go with faulty electrical but I have been in this apartment for a year and never had this happen. Occasionally my touch lamp turns itself on but it’s sensitive and plugged into a sketchy surge protector.

Yes I love Supernatural, Fringe, American Horror Story, and creepy shows of the unexplained! Yes I do believe in ghosts, psychics and spirit worlds. I have had a few personal incidents involving dead relatives and people that made a believer out of me.  So the most logical conclusion other than faulty wiring or a serial killer living under my bed is that a ghost turned on my light and woke me up from what was destined to be a promising slumber.

With that out of the way I have a few messages for my new ghost friend:

·         Read my blog so I know it’s real!
·         Don’t mess with my sleep. I think you are cool and all but I was home and awake for plenty of time if you wanted to talk. Don’t wait until I am comfortable and asleep to start a conversation its rude when living people do it but it’s even worse with you. Sleep is crucial and I value it too much. If my mom doesn’t call my before 8am neither should you. The hours between 12- 8am are my own so say what you have to say during normal waking hours.
·         Be less creepy -perhaps if you soften you approach more people will listen to you. Also if you are lurking around my apartment you better not be watching me get undressed or shower. I would threaten to kill you but well…
·         Don’t try to body snatch me – I have seen enough Being Human to know it’s possible. Please continue to stay in your metaphysical plane of existence; I will fight you on this!
·         Be less clichĂ© - Halloween is coming and this is just too convenient. It seems a bit rehearsed and I need you to exercise more originality. I believe in your ability to achieve ghostly greatness so let’s brainstorm some ways you can shine, I need any ghost living with me to shine. 

“There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call the Twilight Zone.”

Who You Gonna Call?

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