Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Okie Doke – Kroger Style

I have a dilemma and I’m looking for feedback. Disclaimer: I know in this economy the words that will come together to make this blog are meaningless because there are actual people starving in America. There are people that have lost homes, and cars, and means of survival.  So if you fall in that category disregard the next few paragraphs.

I’m running on about 2.5 hours of sleep and despite growing concerns that 29 year old me may not actually be able to stay awake through the full course of my work day, I have one thought on my mind. It’s not why couldn’t I sleep, or I can’t believe I almost ran into that silver Camry this morning; I’m thinking about how my grocery store didn’t give me all of my groceries 2 days ago. I am for some reason contemplating why and how my second strawberry-peanut butter (high fiber) Luna bar is still at the store but the $1.25 it cost me is not in my wallet.

Trivial I know but first let me say those things are magically delicious and right now it would be my energy providing breakfast.  I bought 2 as a trial and the first one changed my opinion polls about the viability of a marriage between strawberries and anything other than chocolate.  So as I sit here drinking my V8 I’m wishing it that Luna bar was here with me.

Second, let me say that this is not the first offense for Kroger. We have been here before with air freshener, canned goods, and even a vegetable product or two.  Sure you give me Kroger plus savings but if you are going to charge me without delivering products then those savings mean nothing. I know accidents happen! I know people don’t see things sometimes as they are flying down that automated moving isle but this can’t continue friends. I’m devastated right now.

Third, what is the proper course of action when a grocery store has left items from your purchase at the register but you don’t realize it until you get home or days later?  I mean this isn’t McDonalds, I can’t exactly check my food before I leave the drive- through. It was $100 in groceries and to piggyback on this question of “food recovery etiquette” how much is too little to care about in terms of loss? I mean loss prevention managers have a number they can’t hit…so what’s my number?   I feel like $1.25 is not a lot but that can go towards a gallon of gas or my BREAKFAST!!!!! But if it were say a $10 febreeze refill would you be less outraged by my preoccupation over the loss of purchased items?

I feel cheated; because I was cheated but at what point do I become a crazy person driving 5 miles to my store and asking that they rectify this issue? And let’s say for the sake of argument, I do walk my disappointed self into said Kroger do I go to Customer Service and file a complaint? Do I bring my receipt and they take my word for it and issue me a new item (or God forbid a refund). I can’t believe they will, as my skepticism forces me to believe that being in America people abuse the honor system to the point where Kroger has created some sort of policy stating I can’t get my item or money back.  It’s probably in fine print on the receipt I have already thrown away!!!

For the record let me say I do love Kroger shopping and I did save $15 on my purchase thanks to store coupons. I also want to say this was not my regular Kroger but it is a repeat offender.  I also need to apologize for my misguided apology to the Kroger employee (2 grocery trips ago) who was on the receiving end of my laughter for using a register that notified her when something wasn’t scanned or bagged. My guess is they installed this fancy new technology to reduce the human error caused by your fellow associates.  My laughter was justified and should have been preceded with a sarcastic remark!!! Apology redacted!

To all the grocery items purchased that have been left behind, I’m sorry you weren’t able to go home with me, I’m sorry you didn’t get to enjoy the view from my awesome pantry!  I just want you to know you may be gone but you are not forgotten. 

PS: For those familiar with the Okie Doke this was classic bait and switch on behalf of Kroger. For those unfamiliar with the term, I’m too tired to explain but if you Google Urban Dictionary they can fill in the gaps! Happy Hump Day everybody.

Love, we will again be reunited!

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