Monday, October 29, 2012

Weekend Mayhem Revisited

By now you all know Monday means we are having a weekend recap!!! So much happened this weekend that I can only really hit the highlights!

Visitor Parking
I love it when my friends come to visit! It totally energizes and invigorates my spirit. It is also completely exhausting and forces me to clean my apartment! I learned this weekend that more than ever, I need a guest room and a large kitchen. I also prefer when my friends come to me as opposed to me going to visit them!  I was happy to host one of my favorite people in the world and I love when she visits because we do crazy things including wearing lycra bermuda shorts as a form of solidarity! My efforts this weekend also included diving into a new vegetarian recipe for crock-pot chili! My source says that I did a good job on that meal, I wouldn’t know because I don’t eat chili (judge all you want it doesn’t change the facts).  So if you couldn’t guess I’m hooked on hosting, reminiscing, cooking for others, and hanging out with people that I love!

GA Dominates
I wouldn’t be a true member of the Bulldog Nation if I didn’t mention the amazing and oh so necessary win UGA had over Florida this weekend.  Florida fans this part of the blog is not for you! Any members of the SEC faithful (and Seminole Fans) understand the universal dislike and outright disgust people have for the University of Florida! I find that the Gators are consistently the most disliked team in the SEC.  Maybe it’s the Jean shorts; or because the play dirty (Brandon Spikes I mean you); or the fact their mascot is a leather man-eating reptile; it could also be the fact that some of their fans can be overly obnoxious and arrogant (is all that chomping really necessary)! Either way I’m a proud Gator Hater and nothing brought me more joy inside than watching my team (the underdog) rain on the Florida Gator parade!  What sweetened the pot was that they were ranked higher and we were able to knock them off that pedestal.  If my team does nothing else in a season I need them to beat FL and GaTech; those are universal requirements to me forgetting any mishaps along the way. Good job Bulldawgs, you have once again made me proud to say “it’s great to be a Georgia Bulldog” and I will continue to bleed red & black and shout it from the rooftops!

Halloween Fun
I want to send a special thank you to those that made my Halloween weekend fun and exciting! To my partner in crime Dr. Kels for being one half of the costume mastermind that we were! For those that didn’t know we went as Beez in da Trap (bumble bees in a literal trap) and it was a success! We even won 2 bottles of wine!  I had soooo much fun this weekend talking to costumed friends and watching crazy folks sing some amazing karaoke!  Let me just say that professional karaoke singers make me nervous! To all those involved in this party weekend thank you and let’s do it all again next year!

B*!@hes ain't shit, and they ain't sayin' nuthin'
A hundred muthaf@!*as can't tell me nuthin'
I beez in the trap, bee, beez in the trap
I beez in the trap, bee, beez in the trap…

Imminent Disaster
Hurricane Sandy is on course to strike in the coast of the Mid-Atlantic which will affect several US cities!  I know it’s the season but it seems we are experiencing an increase in natural disasters including an Earthquake in Canada a few days ago. Is Superstorm Sandy just another occurrence in a string of omens?  I’m not sure but I can say climate change issues are alive and well; we better start taking care of mother earth before we all end up in a scene from the Happening.

For those unfamiliar with the film:

I find that any hope I may have had to consider moving to the NE is officially over.  As if obscene property value, excess people, and bitter cold temperatures weren’t enough of a deterrent, now hurricanes have to be a concern.  I will stay in the south, there may be ignorance here but at least I know the weather patterns. To my friends, family and strangers in the North East, be safe, be careful, and enjoy your time away from work (find the silver lining people). Unfortunately, you won’t be able to hold yourselves up in the casinos because they are closed.  So setup lanterns, pull out Words-with-Friends the board game which was previously known as scrabble, charge your cell phones and cozy up under blankets because this storm is coming! Good luck folks, my prayers and those of others around the country are with you!

PS: Today is Bob Ross’ birthday…happy little trees!  For those of you who watched him paint on TV check out the google doodle in honor of him, it is classic!

Remember: “We don't make mistakes, just happy little accidents.” and “There's nothing wrong with having a tree as a friend.”

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