Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Heart of the Matter (Love)

Now that I have had a good night’s sleep I’m back to having random thoughts. I had so much on my mind this morning most of it related to the Wizard of Oz. Don’t ask why people, it never makes sense! But I’m in a romantic and whimsical mood this morning and I was thinking about what makes people extraordinary.  What makes them loveable?

I have been listening to a great deal of India Arie and Musiq Soulchild today and Neo-Soul has a way of making you hate love and want to be in it at the same damn time. And the artists of the movement paint a very simplistic (but relatable) view of the significant other.  Opposite of the white knights and princess images we are bombarded with in childhood fiction and romantic comedies.  The overly extraordinary lover! But isn’t all LOVE extraordinary? That’s the point, love makes the impossible possible, it transforms the peasant farmer into the King; the bar maid can become a beautiful princess.  Love is the filter that often makes the ordinary extraordinary.  

I think about my past loves and there is a lot about them that could be defined as ordinary but I saw deeper. I peeled back layers and got to see a side of them that many people never saw. That’s what made them special to me, the things I saw through filtered glasses.  I know that filtering also glosses over the bad shit but let’s dwell on the positive you Debbie Downers!

I retweeted an Uber Fact the other day that stated: Scientists suggest that the average person will fall in love seven times before they get married.

I don’t take stock in twitter and I know everything I read isn’t true even if I get it from Wikipedia. But it made me think as many things do! I thought 7 times is a lot of lovin to get to the ultimate love. But is that ultimate love so finite. Isn’t it just finding that extraordinary person (to you) that your love for allows you to transform feelings of selfishness and freedom into selflessness and permanency.  That happens more than once for some or just the one time for others! My opinion is that it is pretty simple! Its life that is complicated not love… Loving is the easy part. Staying and working through the hard times is the complication.   

With that in mind, every now and again you come across a person that is extraordinary before the love. Those are the people that fascinate me. Some people are stars that shine brighter than others; people that resonate with you in such a way that makes you want to love them or at least be around them.  Some people can have an effect on you that leaves a lasting scar much like being impaled with a fishing spear would. Those rare souls that live on this earth to remind us what the stars are like. What makes them extraordinary is their spirit!

The problem with the “good” extraordinary folks is a lot of people love them. You might even say they are easy to fall in love with but history implies they may often be difficult to love.  I think these magnetic people just have to work harder at finding love. I mean how many other extraordinary people are out there to procreate with?!  We regular folks are looking for other regular folks that have elements of extraordinary to shed light on our ordinary being. For some of us that means superhero powers including the ability to read minds. Others might search for silly things like acceptance and understanding. Blah I want an endoskeleton fused with adamantium…Team Wolverine!   Whatever you are looking for or have been lucky enough to find, I hope the love shines light on the extraordinary.

Love is magical indeed and despite all I have been through I look forward to experiencing it again.  Now that is off my chest, I will return to my regularly sarcastic and abrasive self!

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