Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Hot Damn This Post is Late

Hey Baybae! Greetings from New Orleans, LA!
Sorry for the delay in posts. I have had a busy few days so let me update you on the happenings of my world.  I am in New Orleans visiting family this 4th of July Week.  So expect future posts full of crazy Cordier clan commentary! 

This weekend past I was the Queen of chill, watching movies (Brave) and Netflix, doing laundry, packing, and avoiding the phone calls of certain men that were proving to be quite annoying.  I learned some valuable lessons this weekend that I wanted to share with the good people of the world!
1.       Stalkers Come in Many Forms - It is creepy in all forms when your apartment maintenance man asks you out. Mainly because he has a key to your apartment. If you say no and he decides to never change your air filter again you may die from exposure to dust particles.  Then there is the part where he has keys to your apartment (I know I said that already but this is for emphasis).  So I go in to pay my rent and my 38-42 year old maintenance man who is wearing casual clothes in the office on his day off starts inquiring about my afternoon plans. He grabs my hand tells me he enjoyed working with me while my apartment was being renovated (odd you enjoyed that because I was miserable without a shower for 4+ days).  He appreciated my personality…what’s your sign he says? A Leo, oh I love Leo’s we get along great. I noticed you don’t have any pictures of a boyfriend up in your apartment…um wait, what?! Sir why are you looking through my things while executing repairs. The more uncomfortable part is the fact that there was an office full of people while you proceeded to ask me out for the afternoon. I politely declined because you could be a serial killer and I clearly live alone. Packing for a trip I say…his response is to tell me women are always leaving him and walking out of his life and I am repeating the cycle. Sir I don’t know you from Adam and what I do know now is that you stalk, have some emotional baggage with woman and hang out at your job when you are off work. I am going to back out of this office slowly then run for the Gulf coast!!!!
2.       Atlanta is Hell on Earth – I was also exposed to 106+ degree weather this weekend as many parts of the country including Atlanta were experiencing heat waves. I learned that record high heats are annoying but will not cause my skin to melt off as I originally suspected. It just makes you uncomfortable and incredibly shiny in that “do you need a towel and glass of water” sort of way. Good thing I am not the wicked witch of the West or I would have had a serious problem.
3.       Cool Down Activities are Expensive - The movies are a great place to cool off in extreme heat. I also recognize that the increasing costs ($9 for a matinee kid’s movie) are ri-damn-diculous!  Movie theaters have lost all sense.  And screw  you for telling me 52 times to turn off my cell phone but not asking that lady with the screaming baby to leave so I can hear the $9 movie I just sold my first born to see.
4.       Sips and Strokes is not a strip club – so working on planning a birthday party for a friend this weekend and realized that there is some confusion in the outside world about what Sips and Strokes really is. Yes I know it sounds like the title of a XXX movie or the Love and Hip Hop Atl soundtrack but Google it!  It is a painting experience and there is no nudity involved!
5.       Blessed Beyond Belief – I also spent some time in person and on the phone with some of my favorite people.  I love my friends and the amazing people they are, they are such great people which means I don’t have to be! LOL But really I have truly been blessed to be surrounded by smart, intelligent, good looking (which can sometimes be a problem, stop cock blocking bias), educated, hard working, and God loving people. Thank you all for being in my life and helping me through the madness.  

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