Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Tuesday Part 1

So the universe is conspiring against me.  It is trying to force me to get a pet when it knows I can’t have one yet. The universe knows I am weak when it comes to resisting things that I want, I'm pretty sure that is why I dated some of the guys I dated despite them being a bad idea.  The last few days I have been bombarded with sweet, loveable photos of dogs in needs of home.   First it was the fostering emails at work, and then it was the random requests of friends “do you know anybody looking for a puppy so-and-so has some to get rid of".  Now all I want is another dog but I promised myself not until I have a house and there is space for a dog to be in. Thank God for my ace boon coon because she definitely reminded me of the downsides; I can’t travel at will, costly medical expenses, the small space that is my apartment and so much more.  I will be strong! I will be strong.

Keep your pit-bull puppies and homeless dogs to yourself people I am resisting!  L

In crazier animal news, driving into work today I saw a camel on the side of the road.  I'm assuming he was out for his morning walk but clearly this is Atlanta and camels don’t belong on the roadside.  Buford Highway is truly a land of mystery and exotic creatures.  There is a fair in town so my guess is the camel is with them…but again this is Atlanta so you never know.  It could very well be somebody’s pet.

My thoughts are all over the place this morning so I am going to need to regroup then repost. I am feeling some kind of way mainly because I am sleep deprived.  I had a late business meeting that lead to me being stuck in traffic for 30 minutes behind a huge accident.  That gave me extra time to think about food because L and T decided they were going to Applebee’s and wouldn’t shut-up about it! Its Applebee’s not Ruth Chris Steak House (calm down)!  So of course when I get home I am hungry which means I had to make a grilled cheese sandwich on wheat (I mentioned earlier I have a hard time resisting things I want). So that put me in bed 1-hour later than normal and here we are; me with crazy thoughts!  And all I can say is:

Sally the camel has five humps.
Sally the camel has five humps.
Sally the camel has five humps.
So ride, Sally, ride.
Boom, boom, boom, boom!

Sally has one hump but you know the deal!

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